Title: I think it mercy, if thou wilt forget
Fandom: Glee
Disclaimer: not my characters; title from Donne
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine, Rachel/Finn, Burt/Carole
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 385
Point of view: third
Finn is walking with Rachel or Kurt (as they'd be the two that he'd probably have the quickest reaction for). The other person is in their own world, texting or reviewing notes or something. So, when they cross a street, they're walking slower and Finn is out ahead of them.
That's when he, with his head up, notices a car going through a red light. He can either shout and hope they'll move out of the way, or throw himself forward to knock them to definite safety and get put in danger himself. He only has a second to decide.
He shouts.
The car slams on its brakes and the other person is only somewhat battered, but Finn is horrified at what this says about himself. He sees the picture of his dad and wonders how a hero could have fathered a coward, etc.
Kurt's still sleeping. He's home now, tucked up good and tight (Burt saw to that). Blaine's stretched out next to him, one hand resting on his neck, the other clutching Kurt's. Burt didn't say a thing about Blaine staying over, or sleeping in Kurt's bed.
Mom finally dragged Burt away, shoving him into their own bed and telling him to lay down, even if he couldn't sleep.
Finn snuck back into Kurt's room, and he stared at his brother for over half the night before finally going to his own bed. He watched the ceiling and didn't close his eyes.
Everyone's calling Finn a hero. Burt hugged him and thanked him and got tears on his shirt. Mom kissed him three times (both cheeks and his nose) and told him she was so proud, and his dad would be, too.
Blaine threw himself at Finn and sobbed into his shirt, and just scooted over to make room for Rachel when she did the same.
Kurt doesn't remember what happened. He only knows he woke up on the street, whole body hurting, and Finn was there, shouting at him to be alright, and yelling at the driver who hit him.
As far as anyone knows, he dove in and dragged Kurt out of the way, so it was a glancing blow instead of full-body impact between a teenager and a truck. He saved Kurt's life. Everybody knows that.
He saved Kurt's life at the risk of his own.
Kurt will never remember that afternoon, the lunch he and Finn shared, or the text he was sending to Blaine.
Finn will never forget that moment. It lasted forever, watching Kurt - completely oblivious - and the truck gunning through the redlight. Finn will never forget thinking, I can push him out of the way.
Finn will never forget thinking, But I might get hurt.
And Finn will always remember, for the rest of his life, that he shouted, "Kurt!" and Kurt jerked his head up, and saw the truck, and jumped out of the way.
The truck still hit him. The driver didn't even see him till he was already on the ground.
Finn will never ever forget thinking he killed his brother.
Everyone calls Finn a hero.
Finn knows otherwise, but he never says a word.
Title: what is he running from, the world or the end of it?
Fandom: Glee
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: supernatural!AU; character death
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine, Santana/Brittany, Burt/Carole
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 380
Point of view: third
Prompt: “A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.”
"Don't be sad," Brittany says, dropping beside him. She rests her head on his shoulder, arms wrapping around him, and he really wants to turn to her, cuddle in as close as he can, and sob.
Kurt's been gone for three weeks.
The thing is, Blaine knows it's not his fault. He really does. Even Burt told him so, and if anyone were going to blame him, he knows it'd be Kurt's dad.
But Burt doesn't hate him. No one does. That makes everything worse.
Rachel tried singing to him, right after. Mercedes hadn't stopped crying at that point, and Santana was yelling about something that didn't matter, and Puck was still cutting class, and Finn walked around in a daze.
Nobody knew what to do, so Rachel tried the thing that had worked before.
It didn't, not then and not now. Blaine hasn't sung since.
He's pretty sure he'll never sing again.
'Sweetie,' Kurt says, curling up next to him in bed, brushing his fingers through Blaine's hair. 'What are you doing?'
'Grieving,' Blaine mutters, eyes closed. He knows he's dreaming.
'Do you think I want you to just... exist like this forever?' Kurt asks. 'You need to start living again, Blaine. Mourn, if you must, but live, too.'
Blaine shakes his head, turning and opening his eyes. Kurt's there, smiling sadly. Solid and beautiful. 'I can't do this without you, Kurt,' he says.
Kurt bites his lip, meeting Blaine's eyes. 'If I... you could join me, Blaine. I mean, we couldn't stay here, of course. And, god, I miss Dad. But you... you haven't even begun to move on, so I think...'
'Yes,' Blaine says. 'Please.'
Slowly, Kurt reaches up and rests his hand on the back of Blaine's neck, where it meets his skull. 'Are you sure?' he whispers.
Blaine nods.
"I don't understand," Rachel sobs. Finn just buries his face in her hair, unable to stop his own sobs.
Burt wanders around the house, staring at pictures of Kurt. Mom bakes up a storm, and the glee club practically moves in.
Only Brittany doesn't cry. She just asks Santana, "Why's everyone so sad? They're still singing. Can't you hear?"
Santana pats her hand, wiping at her tears. "Sure, Britt," she mutters.
Brittany shrugs and tilts her head, smiling.