life, the universe, and everything part infinity and beyond

Oct 21, 2011 15:59

1.  I have a full-time paying job starting Monday. That will probably affect my writing.

2. Have you ever actually looked at a stitch?  The mean black thread, how it goes through your skin and back out again?  It's disgusting.  And really weird to watch the doctor do.  At least I couldn't feel anything.  A few years ago, when my finger had to be stitched up, I could hear it, though.  Creepy as all get-out.

3.  I'm working on a prequel to that Cinderella ficlet I posted a couple weeks ago.  I have so many ideas for that whole 'verse.  Worldbuilding is fun.

4. Tom Hiddleston is adorable with golden curls.

5. I'm only on disc two of Supernatural season 6, and all the episodes so far are ones I watched live.  Nothing new.

6. Hypothetically, if someone wrote a poem based on The Little Matchgirl, would you read it?  It'd be very depressing.  Hypothetically.

7. I don't know if it's an American thing or what, but I find nobility titles very confusing.  Should I just make up my own for the Cinderella 'verse?

PS.  Please explain to me why it was almost freezing (literally, a few degrees above) in October.  That is so not awesome.

life, health, reaction, list, the weather gods have gone crazy, job, idea, query, writing

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