Title: baby steps
Fandom: NCIS
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: AU, somewhat dark
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 120
Point of view: third
Prompt: DiNozzo, Tony messes with a crime scene or hides evidence
Sometimes he leaves little hints behind, something that makes no sense unless whoever's looking knows exactly what to look for. Not even Abby can pick out that it doesn't belong.
Ziva and McGee are totally clueless, and while Gibbs has never said a thing, sometimes Ducky just looks at him.
And then one day, Tony finds a scrap of paper at a crime-scene, when he had left the room totally clean. Ziva is talking to the local LEOs while McGee shoots the perimeter, and Tony glances at Gibbs before pocketing what shouldn't be there.
Later, after they've caught the scumbag Tony framed, he examines the scrap.
You're good, DiNozzo, it says, in handwriting as familiar as his own.
I'm better.
Title: vengeance will be mine
Fandom: NCIS
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: character death
Pairings: none stated
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 155
Point of view: third
Prompt: Gibbs/DiNozzo, Tony kills someone after that someone killed Gibbs
The day after Jethro Gibbs' funeral, Tony DiNozzo disappears. He has no contact with anyone for six months, and in that time, a dozen corrupt officials vanish only to later turn up dead. The rest of his previous team have all moved on, still working for NCIS, and Vance has orders for Tony to be brought in because everyone knows he’s gone rogue, become a vigilante, hunting down whoever the fuck killed Gibbs.
And then, finally, a year to the day Gibbs bled out in his arms, with only, I’m proud of you, Anthony, to echo in his ears, Tony looks the fucker straight-on and pulls the trigger five times: knees, elbows, and right between the eyes.
He stares down at the body, at the man who ordered Gibbs’ death, and knows that this fucker didn’t start it. He got his own order from somewhere.
So Tony reloads his gun and leaves the bastard where he fell.
Title: history as written
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: future!fic
Pairings: canon
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 70
Point of view: third
Prompt: Any, The Legend of Aang
He was a child, a hero, crazy and innocent, fun-loving and dangerous. He saved the world, remade the map, and brought back the dragons. He united the four peoples, found the Air Nomads, married a water-bending princess, and placed a good man on the Fire Nation's throne.
He loved penguin-sledding, flying, dancing with dragons, and hugging his children.
He’s remembered as the greatest Avatar in the history of the world.
Title: bring me that horizon
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: none
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 285
Point of view: third
Prompt: Will & Jack, One's a myth, one's a legend.
There is tell of a captain, sailing the waters since the world began, older than language and brother of time, ferrying souls to the other side of the ocean. If you see him, they say, you are his-he is judge of where you go, or if you stay with him, part of his crew, until your contract is up.
No, no, others say, only those who die on the water are his, only those who return to the waves, package and parcel of the sea, of the depths and the salt.
And there is another mentioned in whispers, when the ale and rum are plenty, laughter and drunken songs filling the night, a captain who made a deal with the brother of time, who demanded a ship nigh uncatchable and fought the monster of the deep, who was consumed by the ocean and came out the other side, madder than a hatter-though this was before that story, you understand-and still so witty he defeated Death to become immortal.
No, no, others say, you're telling this wrong, the captains knew each other before all this happened, they were brothers themselves, mortal and frail, and only together could they have done anything.
And don't forget the Pirate King, another chimes in, she played a part, too, she wrangled Death into submission and stared extinction in the eye, and she-
Hush, hush, pass the rum and listen, the story goes like this.
There are two captains and a king, and they sail the waters, and though they were mortal once, they aren't anymore, and they are myth and they are legend, and wherever you smell salt air or hear the roaring ocean, there they are.
Title: burning brightly
Fandom: fairy tale/myth
Disclaimer: the legend of the phoenix isn’t mine, but this version is
Warnings: an abrupt ending
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 260
Point of view: third
Prompt: Any, any, the myth behind the phoenix
In the beginning, of course, is where it begins. Before any god, before any life, when only the sun was, when the sun alone existed, creatorless and unseen unheard unfelt-that is when the phoenix sang.
How she came to be, even she does not know, but in the heart of the fire later to be named the sun, she was. And there she sang, there she danced, there she dreamed and there she wove-and then, there were planets, dancing to her tune, circling her star, bowing to her might and her beauty, and then there were others, lesser creatures who themselves began to mold more little lives, each so unique and perfect that she cried tears of joy.
And those tears spread out through her sky, and it was all so very good, the beauty planted by the water from phoenix herself, but time passed swiftly and her star burned so brightly that all but one of her planets was scorched of life, and she cried more tears.
Saddened and tired, feeling so very old, phoenix slept. In the heart the sun, she was so very far away as her children, named gods by their own creations, grew heady with power and vindictive, starting wars with each other, destroying each others' children, and when phoenix awoke it was to a skyscape she no longer recognized.
And so the phoenix, mother and father both, selfmade and selftaught, spread her wings to fly from the sun and finally take in hand the naughty children who so horrifically squandered her gift of life.