comment_fic 211-215: BtVS, SN, Leverage/AtS, White Collar, Leverage

Jun 16, 2010 16:18

Title: endless skies and never-ending light
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: none
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 125
Point of view: third
Prompt: Buffy & author's choice, "What's Heaven like?"

Dawn hears her sometimes, only when she's just waking up, before she realizes and quiets herself.

The first few times, Dawn didn't know what to do, so she did nothing.

But this time, this time Dawn tries to silently walk down the hall-Spike's been giving her lessons-and sneaks into Buffy's room.

"Dawn," Buffy whispers, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing with me," Dawn whispers back. She crawls into the bed and under the covers, turning to face her sister. "Why do you keep crying?"

Buffy rubs at her face, the tears still glistening there. "I'm not crying, Dawnie," she says.

Dawn snuggles in, wrapping her arms around Buffy. "Tell me about Heaven," she murmurs.

Blinking away more tears, Buffy mutters, "Okay," and links her fingers with Dawn's.

Title: trickster's tales
Fandom: Supernatural
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: spoilers for everything aired
Pairings: none stated
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 175
Point of view: third
Prompt: Sam & Dean & Castiel, Running into a real trickster for once.

They're pretty boys, and powerful, threaded together with sacrifice and lead and blood and fire. Feathers, too, etched into their skin, and sigils etched into bone. Two of them are his, American to the core, dust from the middle of his continent. The other smells like sky and starlight. Fading, though. More dust by the day.

Not really a boy, that one. Older than him, though not by much. Only a few millennia.

Coyote licks his chops. Not too smart, to mess with these three. The eldest boy is marked by the Eldest, and the younger has his fingerprints deep in his soul. That upstart who, though older, really wasn't as funny as he thought. Too much judgment, not enough jokes. Takes more to trick than power. Angels really don't have the sense of humor they think they do.

No matter. Here they are, tired and worn out. They need a breather, and who better than the King of Tricksters

(No matter what Loki and Anansi say, he is the king. Ask anyone. But them.)

Title: brothers and angels
Fandom: Leverage/Angel the Series
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: spoilers for end of Angel the Series
Pairings: none stated
Rating: R
Wordcount: 160
Point of view: third
Prompt: Leverage/AtS, Eliot & Angel, "You killed my brother, you son-of-a-bitch."

When he takes Angel down, the vampire doesn't see it coming. The holy water burns and the four stakes circle his heart, pinning him to the wall.

He looks up, gasping and moaning, to see-"Lindsey?"

"No," the man says, and that's right: he doesn't smell like Lindsey. Well, he does, but not exactly. He holds another stake, with three more strapped to his waist. Almost too quick for Angel to see, two stakes pierce both his palms, and he screams.

"You killed my brother," Lindsey's twin says. "You'll pay for that."

Angel survived Wolfram and Hart's final charge, but this... "I didn't know Lindsey had a brother," Angel mutters, trying to formulate a plan, but another stake is driven into him, through his gut, and all reason flees.

"He still does," Lindsey's brother says, and Lindsey flickers into being next to him, gone after a moment.

Angel closes his eyes and Lindsey's brother pours holy water down his throat.

Title: gilded cage
Fandom: White Collar
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: takes place early in season 1
Rating: PG
Pairings: none
Wordcount: 85
Point of view: third
Prompt: Neal Caffrey, This is worse than prison

June's house is beautiful, and he can step onto the roof whenever he wants, feel the wind in his hair, go to the bathroom, wear nice clothes and a stylish hat, talk to people, eat food that tastes like food.

But it's still a cage, although exquisitely crafted. At least prison looked like what it was. But this, this… it's worse than prison. This is getting a small whiff of freedom, but knowing it's out of reach.

Every day, it's harder to stay.

Title: everyone has a breaking point
Fandom: Leverage
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: future!fic
Pairings: none stated
Rating: PG
Point of view: third
Prompt: Hardison + team, they all get tortured but Hardison is the only one who breaks

It's not his fault, and they tell him that, but he doesn't listen because he doesn't want to hear, because he broke, he told, he gave in and gave up, didn't have faith, didn't believe in the team, didn't believe in Eliot, and that-that-

He doesn't go to the funerals. He's not worthy.

"Alec," Sophie says. "Sweetheart. Please-"

He turns away, closes his eyes, covers his ears. He hasn't even turned on the computer in the three days he's been here, or showered, or eaten a thing. He's cried more tears than he had water in his body, and he hopes he dies.

"If you die," the Parker in his mind whispers, "then our deaths are pointless. Hardison. Don't you wanna make those men pay?"

Yes, he thinks.

"Sophie," he says, and his voice is so hoarse it hurts. "Sophie."

She cries, wrapping her arms around him, and he thinks, They'll bleed and suffer and die.

fanfic: white collar, fanfic: leverage, title: t, wordcount: drabble, title: e, title: g, fanfic: supernatural, fanfic: mythology, point of view: third person, fanfic: buffy the vampire slayer, tv fic, gen, crossover fic, rated pg, title: b, fic, fanfic: angel the series, series: comment_fic

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