Title: an abundance of wings
Fandom: Supernatural/Paradise Lost
Disclaimer: not my characters
Warnings: spoilers for 5.8
Pairings: none stated
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 280
Point of view: third
Prompt: Gabriel, his distance from Heaven isn't physical
After the fire goes out, he stays inside the ring. )
Comments 10
I love them all.
and the last one reminds me of "he lays down his head on your pillow at night," which is still my favorite of yours.
(ps: you have my dream hubbie in your icons. The pathfinder one is what initially drew me in to read your comment fics, haha)
(I have a couple Karl Urban icons, *hee*)
With "an abundance of wings", it was simply "Gabriel takes a deep breath, spreads his wings, and soars to the dark backroad where a beast of a car is eating up the miles".
I don't know why that line, but truly, yes. Guh.
An excellent job!
And I love that what does worry him is not his ghosts catching up with him, but getting at him through the team. He's got something to lose now, and that's got to scare the bejeezus out of him.
Nicely done!
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