all the hollow deep of Hell resounded - SN drabble - PG13

May 08, 2008 22:45

Title: all the hollow deep of Hell resounded
Fandom: “Supernatural”
Disclaimer: not my characters; just for fun. Title from John Milton
Warnings: spoilers for “Time Is On My Side”
Pairings: none
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 200
Point of view: third

Hey, sweetheart, he says, circling her with a shark’s grin. Long time, no see.
                Not long enough, she tartly replies, spinning to follow him with her eyes.
                You look good, he purrs and she’s not surprised. Hell itself hasn’t the strength to change this man.
                Have you risen yet? she asks. She finds it odd that he’s still here. His brother should have gotten him out centuries ago.
                Been to the surface and back, he answers. Lots of times. You?
                She shakes her head. I have no bargaining tools.
                He smirks. Just gotta know the right people, babe. Gotta have friends in high-low-places.
                He’s here, then? She hasn’t been nervous in longer than… well, a long time. But if she missed the coronation, then…
                Her eyes fly to his. Yes, Dean says quietly, satisfaction threading the words. Sammy’s here. Lilith’s gone.
                And you sought me out, Dean? Why?
                His smile is vicious and his eyes turn black edged in gold. You sold us out while alive, bitch. You won’t get the chance in death.
                Centuries in Hell have taught her torment. He shows her new meanings of the word, and her soul is cast into oblivion screaming.

gen, rated pg-thirteen, wordcount: drabble, fic, title: a, fanfic: supernatural, point of view: third person, tv fic

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