for ladyjanelly

May 01, 2008 13:30

Title: you’ll someday see the truth from lies
Fandom: “Dark Angel”
Notes: for
ladyjanelly, who requested Ben-fic
More notes: title from Plumb

Of all the Outside, Ben liked the south the best. Down in Louisiana, old parts of the state, there were hundreds of thousands of churches with his Lady. They were safe, even the old and falling apart ones. She protected him there. She spoke to him as he slept in her sanctuaries, all along the Gulf Coast. 
            Ghosts wandered along the pews, telling him their secrets. Ben learned and grew in the Outside. He grew tall and ever-stronger, and his Lady kept speaking to him, telling him what a good soldier he was. 
            He basked in her glow. She loved him. Of all her children and soldiers and followers, she loved him best of all.  
            The heat was muggy in the south; it clung to him, enveloped him. After the cold of Manticore, he couldn’t get enough of southern Outside. Whenever he wasn’t in the Lady’s sanctuary, he’d stand in the sunlight or moonlight and soak up the heat, letting it fill him to his bones. Ben listened to the people and the creatures and the world, losing himself in the noise-no rhyme or reason to it, just life going about life. No rigid control, no iron-clad rules… no nomlies, no men with guns, no midnight captures and children never seen again.
            No nomlies in his Lady’s sanctuaries there in the south. Only him and the ghosts and the heat.
            He was happy there. But then his Lady spoke him and said it was time to go, to start giving her sacrifices. 
            She had opened her sanctuaries to him. She loved him.   He was glad to do as she asked.
            She loved him. She loved him best of all.  

gen, fic, rated pg, wordcount: drabble, fanfic: dark angel

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