drabbles: Jam and Batman - PG

Mar 16, 2008 08:25

Title: New Road
Fandom: Jam
Disclaimer: not my characters; just for fun.
Warnings: spoilers for movie
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 330
Point of view: third
Notes: Jeffrey Dean Morgan? Is adorable.

She waits a week to call him, so that she doesn’t look too desperate. It’s been a crazy week, and she’s only talked to Dad. Hasn’t called Jen or Brian or Stephanie, just Dad. The whole story spilled out, her suspicions finally confirmed.
                “I’m just…” she paused, looking for the right word. “Taking a sabbatical, Dad. Don’t worry.”
                “I love you, baby,” he said. “Be safe.”
                “I promise,” she told him. “Love you, too.”
                And so she drives in the stolen Bug, stopping just for gas and food, watching the sky and the road pass.
                It takes a week to call him, when she finally feels able. She gets an answering machine and hangs up, calls back immediately. 
                Brian wasn’t the one, and chances are this guy isn’t, either. But she’ll never know if she doesn’t try, and there was something-he was an asshole, but so was she. Neither of them was at their best, on that clogged mountain road.
                “Um, hey?” she says into the receiver.    “This is Amy, from the traffic jam last week? You gave me your number, so I could tell you what happened. Well, it’s off. The wedding, I mean.” She pauses, a small hitch in her voice. “It wasn’t…” She sighs. “It wasn’t a surprise. But still-it hurts, you know? Anyway…” She tells him what hotel she’s staying at, the room number. “I got rid of my cellphone. I’m starting a new life, you know? So… I’ll be here a couple more days, probably get a new cell soon.”
                She pulls the phone away from her ear, looks at it. She’ll never know if she doesn’t try. “Maybe you wanna get some coffee or something? Call me if you do.” She hangs up and lies back on the bed.
                A new life, away from Jen and Brian and things she didn’t want but thought it was time for.
Maybe Dale’ll call and maybe he won’t. Either way she’s finally on her own road.

Title: recrimination and regret
Fandom: Batman
Disclaimer: not my characters; just for fun.
Warnings: spoilers for the fate of the second Robin
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 130
Point of view: first

I should have killed him the first chance I got, damn all my self-made rules. I should have torn him limb from limb, or ripped out his throat-so many would still be alive. So many would’ve had chances.
                Why didn’t I kill him? He didn’t deserve mercy, didn’t deserve all those second chances, those third chances… hundredth chances. I should have killed him, that very first time we met.
                I should have killed him. Jason would still be alive. Jason would’ve been able to grow up, have a life beyond the mantle. Beyond his anger and pain… beyond me.
                And after… I should have killed him, for Jason. But I let him live, another chance at life, despite all the lives he’s taken…
                I should have killed him.

gen, title: n, movie fic, rated pg, point of view: first person, fanfic: jam, wordcount: drabble, fic, title: r, point of view: third person, fanfic: batman, tv fic

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