SN episode drabbles: 1.5-1.8

Feb 22, 2008 20:15



they share the same blood and the same blows

Dean would love to talk himself out of the hole his quick thinking has dug him, but there’s glass shattering inside the antique shop and Sam’s never been good at looking after himself. 
Dean had looked over the cops, the instant he exited the store, quickly written them off-about Dad’s age, probably older, but not as big and nowhere near as fit: too many donuts, not enough trips to the gym. Within seconds after walking outside, he’d catalogued every way to take them down.
Sam needs him, whether the kid knows it or not, so he deals with the cops and hurries back.


for Mom

She has no brain, but even so she knows that something is not right. The fleshbloodbone directing her movements is not her specialboy; it is another, something Other. One of those things she used to hunt with her boy John and still hunts with her specialboy and his brother.

She longs to rebel, to fight off this impersonator, this fleshbloodbone thief. But she cannot. All she can do is quietly curse, and shriek for her specialboy Dean to find her. He’ll teach this imposter to mess with her.

the perks of working in a library

Miriam has a husband she loves, but that doesn’t keep her from looking when perfect eye candy walks in the door. She’s let herself go since marrying Rob, but she’s still fit enough.
So when Eye-Candy walks up to her desk, with Tallie behind him, she straightens to her full height and smiles. “Can I help you?” she asks, letting her gaze roam Eye-Candy. He preens-a guy looking like that knows, no doubt about it.
“We were wonderin’,” he says, his eyes dropping from her face south, but instantly back up, “if you might have the arrest records for this town.”
 Not a usual request, by any means. She thinks for a minute, gaze shifting to Tallie’s hopeful face.
 “Let me check,” she replies, putting a swing in her hips as she walks past them to the office.

Turns out, they have arrest records dating back over a hundred years. Eye-Candy and Tallie both look stunned by the amount of boxes.
 “Thank you,” Eye-Candy says as she walks away, swinging her hips again. She glances back and they’re angled toward each other, murmuring. She sighs.

a past that’s rooted in pain

His whole life, he’s never once been afraid of bugs till he sees the swarm coming. But when he looks, and there’s that gigantic cloud, and he knows what it wants, his entire body goes cold.
            There’s no time, no way of escaping, and those two guys-the nice, tall one, and the biting still-tall but not as tall one-order them inside.
            He knows there’s no way out. But still-with those two guys, he’s willing to hope.
            But if he does survive? He’s killing every bug he ever sees again.


gen, title: i, title: t, wordcount: drabble, fic, title: a, series: supernatural canon drabbles, fanfic: supernatural, point of view: third person, tv fic

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