above the noise and confusion - SN fic - G

Jun 17, 2007 21:00

Title: above the noise and confusion
Fandom: “Supernatural”
Disclaimer: not my characters; just for fun. Title from “Carry On, Wayward Son” by Kansas.
Warnings: spoilers for pilot
Pairings: none
Rating: G
Wordcount: 200
Point of view: third
Notes: part of my Dean canon
Prompt: ‘stuffed’
iamstealthyone. I asked her for a word months ago and she gave me a whole list. I promised her a drabble for each-here’s the first.

“Sammy, please stop crying,” John pled, cradling his seven-month old son in his arms, tears of flat-out weariness prickling the corners of his eyes. He’d been awake for nearly forty-eight hours now, the baby sobbing for most of it, and nothing he did made Sammy stop. 
            Dean was crouched in-between the couch and the wall, face shoved into his folded arms. He hadn’t spoken a solitary word in almost a month, and John had no idea what to do to help either of his boys.
            “Sammy, please,” he begged again, pacing around the living room, jiggling his son. But, just like before, it didn’t work. It never worked, and Sammy kept wailing.
            Dean moved at the edge of his vision, shuffled over, a teddy bear in his grip. He reached up and tugged on John’s shirt, moving away. John canted his head and followed. 
            His firstborn hopped up on the couch, setting the bear beside him, and held out his arms. John leaned down and gently placed Sammy in Dean’s grip, dropping a kiss on Dean’s forehead. He sank next to Dean with a weary sigh.
            Slowly, Sammy’s cries tapered off and John had never been so relieved for quiet.

gen, rated g, series: dean canon, wordcount: drabble, fic, my dean canon, title: a, fanfic: supernatural, point of view: third person, tv fic

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