various drabbles

May 26, 2007 07:47

Title: Strawberries and Honey
Fandom: Crossfire Trail
Disclaimer: not my characters; just for fun.
Warnings: spoilers for movie
Pairings: implied Rock/JT
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 100
Point of view: third

He got two days away before he missed the lad too much to stay gone. Missed those bright blue eyes, the boy’s nearly-constant sunshine smile, his slow honey-drawl, the strong, supple curve of his body-aye, there he was spoutin’ poetry like his baby sister back home.

So, since he’d sunk so low, he decided it would be best to find his way back to the lad. Couldn’t be away from him, it didn’t feel right.

The boy was one of the few people who’d ever laughed at his silly jokes-of course he couldn’t let the sunshiny lad go.

Title: Familial Relations

Chapter: II. Bloodcall

Fandom: “Supernatural”/Devour crossover

Disclaimer: Yahweh, Lucifer, Dean, Marisol, and Croatoan aren’t mine.  Just for fun.

Warnings: spoilers for “Supernatural” pilot

Pairings: none

Rating: PG

Wordcount: 200

Point of view: third

Chapter I: " Rapture"

The boy’s hazel eyes gleam at her. The power in his small frame nearly sends her to her knees. She must ask before she can act and slowly the words come.

He is a good boy, this child, the best yet born. He is kind and loving, with strength enough to shatter the world. His is the blood she needs to complete her plan.

Lucifer cast her aside for that unworthy scum Croatoan, an upstart nowhere near her glory. Lucifer banned her from Hell and Yahweh will never allow her back into Heaven, so she wandered the Earth for years.

And now she stands in this boy’s room, watching him sleep, peering into his dream.

This boy cannot turn from a request.

“Will you help me, Dean?”


In the morning he will not remember the woman who asked him for blood. He will not recall saying yes or the cold, dry kiss pressed to his brow. He will not remember her dark eyes or the black wings on her back.

A thimble-full of blood, one kiss, and she has a son with this boy, a son of power that rivals Yahweh.

And Lucifer will tremble, while Croatoan dies.

Solare smiles.

continued in chapter three: " Crystalline"

Title: A Single Year
Fandom: “Supernatural”
Disclaimer: not my characters; just for fun.
Warnings: spoilers for “All Hell Breaks Loose” pt 2
Pairings: hinted Lucifer/Crossroad’s demon, hinted Dean/Sam
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 200
Point of view: third

His soul will be beautiful to collect, and one she'll keep for herself. He will give her prestige, a great deal of power in the lower levels-as the demon who got Dean Winchester... oh, it'll be a grand day, the day she takes him.

A single year. For her, it will pass swiftly. For him, it will linger, that final day looming like a festering wound that no amount of doctoring can heal.

She is one of the old ones, merely a millennia younger than her Milord. As such, she has chosen a gender-female, one of Dean's few weaknesses. Every time she speaks with him-one of the handful of demons who has spoken to him and survived-she wears nearly the same form: a lovely girl with dark hair and green eyes.

Were she anything but what she is, she’d wonder what that means. But she is what she is, and as such-she knows.

It will not just be Dean’s soul she claims on that day. With him will come baby brother, and then-Hell is hers. Finally her Milord will crown her as His consort and the world will tremble before her.

One, single year.

Title: close to my heart, never to part
Chapter: I. Discovery
Fandom: “Supernatural”
Disclaimer: not my characters; just for fun.  Title from "Baby Mine" performed by Allison Krauss.
Warnings: pre-pilot
Pairings: None
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 100
Point of view: third
Notes: part of my Dean canon

Dad’s researching a killer ghost-never a friendly one, because Dad says they don’t exist-and Sammy’s looking at a picture book. Dean’s bored and goes through the nearby stacks for a bit.

He finds the section on ocean creatures and his attention is caught by a shark book. He pulls it out and flips through, glancing at the photos.

One in particular grabs him and he reads the text-a megalodon. Prehistoric and ginormous, perfect predator. Dean’s hooked.

He searches the shelves close by, pulls out any shark books and carries them back to Sammy, settling next to him.

continued in " Absolution"

movie fic, title: s, series: dean canon, wordcount: drabble, my dean canon, title: a, fanfic: supernatural, tv fic, gen, crossover fic, familial relations, rated pg, title: c, title: f, fic, fanfic: devour, slash, het

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