Mirror - SN fic - PG

Apr 04, 2007 00:02

Title: Mirror
Fandom: “Supernatural”
Disclaimer: Jess, her boyfriend, and her boyfriend’s brother aren’t my creations. Alas.
Warnings: spoilers for pilot
Pairings: Sam/Jessica, possible implied Dean/Sam
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 270
Point of view: third

She’s been twenty for nine minutes when she meets Sam. January 24, 8:07 in the morning-cut from Mom’s womb because she’d gotten all turned around. Two days late, bawling and fighting, angry at being shoved into the harsh, bright world, so Grandpa frequently said.
            She’s late for class and he’s cutting across campus, legs eating up the distance.  She’s rushing headlong and he’s tall enough to not see her. She goes bouncing back and his humongous arm reaches out to catch her, holds her as easily as she holds a kitten.
            And damned if that ain’t supernova hot.

She didn’t expect to see him again, much less date him, move in with him, die for him. She didn’t expect to fall in love with his laughter, his voice, the way he held her close, and told her everything-told her nothing.   She didn’t expect to be unable to imagine a life without him. 
            She’s been twenty-one for almost twelve months when she dies, carved and burning, watching Dean-a mirror?-force Sam from the room. 
            She’s been in love with Sam for longer than that, and she knows-she knows-that she doesn’t know everything, could probably never know everything, but she knows more than enough. 
            So, even though she’s never been more terrified in her life, she smirks at the shadow/man/monster/thing to the best of her ability and refuses to scream.
            A mirror, yes, the thing muses, letting her hear as they both watch Sam and Dean leave the fire. A slanted mirror, a faulty mirror-but, still a mirror nonetheless.   She dies to it chuckling, How interesting.

rated pg, wordcount: drabble, fic, title: m, fanfic: supernatural, point of view: third person, tv fic, het

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