Mag7 and SN drabbles

Mar 24, 2007 22:40

Title: Potential
Fandom: “The Magnificent Seven”
Disclaimer: JD and his momma aren’t mine
Warnings: spoilers for pilot
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 160
Point of view: third


Jonathan Daniel Dunne had big dreams. He wanted to be a Texas Ranger, to be a lawman, to help people, to put away bad men and keep the world safe.

Instead, he helped his mother at work, cleaning up Master Jones’ manor. Instead, he went to school when he could, hoping to broaden his potential and give himself a future.

Then Ma died, leaving him completely alone, and the scant amount of money she’d saved wasn’t near enough to go to college.

Master Jones(who he was almost sure was his father) said he’d have a position for the rest of his life, but he couldn’t stand being a servant.

So he headed out west; he’d taught himself to ride on Master Jones’ horses, taught himself to shoot when he could, and he would fulfill his dreams.

No one in the world expected him to succeed, but Jonathan Daniel Dunne became JD and he wouldn’t allow himself to fail.

Title: When Hope Dies
Fandom: “Supernatural”
Disclaimer: not my characters. just for fun.
Warnings: AU for “Born Under A Bad Sign”
Pairings: none
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 150
Point of view: first

I know where hope goes when it dies. I’ve been there before. First time, my momma didn’t walk away after a car wreck; second, Daddy ate a bullet ‘cause the loneliness was too much.

Third time I collapsed ‘cause’a sobbing, that damned John Winchester told me his fuck-up got my Billy killed.

I know where hope goes when it dies, fluttering to the ground and gasping its last breath. I know how it feels when the world blinks around you and you don’t know how you’re still standing ‘cause there’s a hole where your heart used to be.

When John’s oldest boy calls, Ash doesn’t catch me before I fall, dropping the phone and screaming.

I know where hope goes when it dies. It’s a sad, barren, cold place. I’ve been there before, but I live there now, ‘cause John killed my Billy and now his sons killed my Jo.

Title: Peanut Butter
Chapter: II
Fandom: “Supernatural”
Disclaimer: Dean, his daddy, and his brother aren’t mine.
Warnings: underage sexual relations of a non-con, non-incestuousual nature
Pairings: Dean/OMC
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 190
Point of view: third
Notes: I really really want to write an Ice Age fic where I kill Diego. Does that make me odd? Realize that he’s my favorite character of the entire film. 
More notes: part of my Dean canon

Chapter I

            Dean got caught shoplifting at a gas station when he was fifteen. Dad was five states over hunting something that turned out to be a human psycho, and Sammy was hom-in the hotel room sick with the flu. He asked for Reese’s. Dean couldn’t say no, even though he didn’t have any money.
            He hadn’t hit his growth spurt yet, and got told by numerous creepy adults he was too pretty for his own good. The cashier was a guy in his late twenties, with too many facial piercings and not enough brains, but he’d gotten a good enough look at Dean that he’d be able to make a police report if Dean kicked his ass.
            So Dean didn’t. 
            He followed Dad’s lessons to the letter: did what he was told to do and he shut up about it.
            Sammy enjoyed the fucking Reese’s and Dean brushed his teeth seventeen times throughout the night. Dad showed up late in the afternoon the next day and Dean took off after making sure he was okay, not returning until after midnight. 
            To this day, he hates the smell of peanut butter.
chapter III

gen, rated pg-thirteen, rated pg, point of view: first person, series: dean canon, wordcount: drabble, title: p, fic, my dean canon, title: w, fanfic: supernatural, point of view: third person, fanfic: the magnificent seven, slash, tv fic

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