Identities - Devour and Face/Off crossver - R

Jan 12, 2007 10:53

Title: Identities
Fandom: crossover between Devour and Face/Off
Disclaimer: Not my characters. Just for fun.
Warnings: AU and spoilers for Devour and Face/Off
Pairings: Jake/Dakota; Jamie/Castor-in-Sean’s-body
Rating: R for subject matter, if nothing else
Wordcount: 930
Point of view: third
Notes: Dear god, I need a life.

She hadn’t been born Dakota Marie Jameson. It was just the name assigned to her when she was relocated and given a new life.
            Dakota Marie Jameson never had any siblings. She lived in Miami before her mother moved them to the wilds of Cheever Lake, Washington. Her father died when she was fifteen-the only thing Dakota Marie Jameson shares with Jamie Anna Archer besides her face and DNA. Before he died, he’d abused her, for years. Dakota’s mother moved them to protect her.
            But Jamie’s father had only abused her that once. And he hadn’t even been her father.

Jamie doesn’t have all the facts. All she knows is that Dad somehow exchanged his face with a psychopath to save Los Angeles from a horrible fate.
            Dakota has never set foot in Los Angeles and she never will. Dakota has only a mother and a ramshackle house, two friends and town full of fuckbuddies.
            Dakota uses her body as a defense against actually caring for anyone. And every time someone fucks her, she sees her father’s face.
            Or rather-Jamie’s dad. Worn by a monster.

Dakota’s mother is a covert operative. She’s come to care for Dakota, barely. She was good friends with Sean Archer, back in the old days. Before he switched faces and died. 
            She calls the woman ‘Mom’ though it kills her inside because she’s not ready to die. But at night she almost always cries because she misses her real mother and her real father and her little brother so much she aches.

Her first year in Washington, she was a sophomore in high school. She had nightmares every night and flashbacks most days. Sometimes, she forgot to answer to Dakota. 
            She met Jake Grey and Conrad Fuller, two boys inseparable from each other. Conrad wanted into her pants, but Jake actually spoke to her. 
            Jamie would have made a move on him, but Dakota-though she gave in to everyone else-refrained. There was something almost pure about him. 
            Of course, by the end of junior year she’d seduced him, but damn, that was a long time to hold off.

Jamie would have been able to control Jake like she had all the boys back in Los Angeles, until Karl tried to take what he wanted. Jamie could have snapped her fingers and Jake would’ve hopped to, like all boys did.
            But Jamie is dead and Dakota remains. Jamie died with her mother and her father, with her little brother years before.

Dakota fell in love with Jake somewhere around the end senior year. Jamie whispered in the back of her mind to be careful, to be on guard, because something was wrong with Jake and always had been.
            But Dakota didn’t listen. 
            Dakota didn’t want to listen because Jake was gorgeous and Jake was kind and Jake looked at her like she meant something more than a quickie.
            Jamie would have been able to control Jake with a snap of her fingers, but Dakota dreamed of Prince Charming and a ball and Jake taking away the memories of Dad’s body raping hers.

But Jake wasn’t Prince Charming. Jake was-
            Jake is-
            And Dakota can’t even think the words.

Dad used to read her stories, when Jamie was little. They’d cuddle on her bed, the book of fairy tales held in front of them, and Dad would spend hours going from one legend to the next, transporting her to that world. She loved “Beauty and the Beast” in particular, requested it most of all.
            But Jamie isn’t a beauty and Dad’s no longer alive, and the last memory she has of him is his hands on her skin, his tongue in her mouth, and his eyes laughing at her ineffectual struggling.
            Jamie’s last memory of Dad isn’t of Dad at all, and that offers no comfort or relief-it just makes her cry longer at night.

Dakota doesn’t listen to Jamie anymore. Jamie doesn’t exist. Jamie is dead and gone, buried next to her father and mother and little brother. Jamie died the same day Castor Troy killed Mom and Dad.
            Everyone says so. 
            And Dakota lives in a ramshackle house with her cold mother, on the outskirts of Cheever Lake, Washington.
            Or, well… she did.

Dakota lives in an institution and Jamie is dead. Dakota doesn’t tell anyone about the dreams and whimpers to the doctor about Daddy’s hands. She plays up the abused little girl act and the doctor says that Professor Hartney’s actions are the reason for her psychotic break.
            Dakota is a marvelous liar, better than Jamie ever was.

Dakota is no beauty and Jake isn’t a beast. 
            He’s something far worse and Dakota still can’t think the words, Dakota has no explanation, Dakota is all that’s left of Jake’s mimicry.
            And Dakota knows that Jake doesn’t want any loose ends.

Jamie screams at her to escape, to be gone before Jake visits the institution and gets rid of her. Jamie screams that he’s not the man she knew, not her friend, not the person she fell in love with.
            Jake can’t save her. Jake can’t save either one of them.
            But Dakota shouts Jamie down and says if she’s going to die, then Jake’s got to be the one to kill her.
            And Jamie just laughs.

Her life went from fucked up as Jamie to worse as Dakota, but at least she got to see Jake, to know him for a while, even if he’s more awful than Castor Troy ever could have been.

crossover fic, movie fic, title: i, fanfic: face/off, wordcount: drabble plus, fic, rated r, fanfic: devour, point of view: third person, het

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