German TV pours cheap anti-Russian propaganda

Mar 12, 2015 16:02

State television in Germany continues to brainwash their fellow citizens, despite a growing resentment on the part of ordinary Germans. After all, they are the ones that have to pay for this circus from their taxes.

This time Günther Jauch and his talk show took cheap anti-Russian propaganda to new heights on March 8. The theme of the talk show - “Putin’s Russia on the road to dictatorship?” - already did not bode any meaningful discussion. The portal Propagandaschau (“Propaganda Review”) made an apt remark that one could ask any number of questions that would be equally meaningful, like: “Obama’s Presidency - on the way to the Apartheid?”, meaning, of course, the hundreds of American citizens of African descent killed by US soldiers recently in protests around the country.

One could expect that, after the popular German host Günther Jauch publicly expressed regret that “Putin will not die soon” in November last year, anything goes. And he stands up to the expectations, making new produce in the best tradition of Goebbels’s propaganda.

To create the proper atmosphere at his talk show on March 8, Jauch invited the daughter of the late Nemtsov and corresponded with Garry Kasparov in New York, who, however, did not say anything new, repeating the mantra of “the hope of internal destabilization of Russia and the Putin regime lies in falling oil prices and the collapse of the ruble.”

Fortunately, there were some guests with a mind unclouded by propaganda in the studio. To the question of whether things would get better if Putin was displaced, Chairman of the German-Russian Forum Matthias Platzeck reasonably noticed: “Let’s do some theoretical reflection and ask ourselves a  practical question - who will replace him? What will happen then? Will it be someone who meets our expectations? The answer is - no! ”

Platzeck also stressed that, with the current level of support for the opposition in Russia, the hopes for a quick displacement of Putin should be abandoned. Then, in defiance of Kasparov’s critique of the policies of the Federal Chancellor Merkel, he praised the Chancellor for leading negotiations on the settlement of the crisis in the Donbass area of Ukraine. His words were met with a thunderous applause by the audience.

The culmination of the talk show came at the end. After Platzeck suggested that Europe should intensify its dialogue with Russia and liberalize the visa regime, the host of the show theatrically turned to Nemtsov’s daughter with a question: “Don’t you think that now the struggle for democracy is completely lost, especially because Putin has huge support among Russians?” The answer was frank nonsense along the lines of “Putin is not interested in Russians traveling abroad”, “very few Russians can afford to travel abroad,” and that the “regime” will soon introduce the “exit visas” to enforce the isolation of the country.

In general, one can only wish Günther Jauch more such guests as Kasparov and Nemtsova and then rename his show from “political” to “stand-up comedy”.


tv, propaganda, russia, germany, en, putin

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