Ukrainian National Murder Guard

Sep 25, 2014 06:02

Mass graves of civilians are found in the territories of Donbass that were controlled by Ukrainian security forces until recently.

On September 23, near the village of Communar, 60 kilometers from Donetsk, in the territory of the mine number 22 militiamen found a mass grave of civilians. According to preliminary data, they have exhumed the bodies of four people from one grave (including three women) and five from another. Representatives of the militia accused the Ukrainian National Guard for the murder of civilians - according to them, the Ukrainians were only knocked out of this settlement a few days ago. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, there are “very serious indications” that at the time of the murder the area was controlled by the National Guard “which clearly indicates the potential perpetrators and organizers of these crimes.”

At the headquarters of the “anti-terrorist operation” Ukrainian security officials and representatives of the National Guard deny involvement in the crimes and, as usual, argue that information was circulated to discredit the Ukrainian military. The words of Kiev authorities can be confirmed or refuted, at least theoretically. The representatives of the OSCE were at the scene at the time, so it will not work to pretend that this fact is not known to the international community.

Forensic examination shall establish the time and cause of death, after which there will be only one more step to compare these data with the data on whose forces occupied the area at the time of the murder. But in practice we see no investigations of terrible events in Ukraine, starting with the execution of people during protests in Kiev by unidentified snipers and ending with the collapse of the Malaysian “Boeing”. None of the crime investigations were brought to an end, the perpetrators have not been established and are not punished.

Russian human rights activists have called for an independent international investigation into the crimes. Commissioner for human rights, democracy and the rule of law, the special envoy, Konstantin Dolgov, from the Russian Foreign Ministry has promised to “draw the attention of relevant international organizations, both intergovernmental and human rights, to this information about the mass graves near Donetsk.”

Commissioner for Human Rights Ella Pamfilova is already preparing an appeal to foreign counterparts. “Such brutal, barbaric crimes should not go unpunished, and I hope that not only in Russia but also in other countries that consider themselves civilized, this topic also will not be closed and ignored”, - she said.

Only in the middle of the next day the press secretary of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Rupert Colville, said that the organization is aware of the situation and will follow up. Kiev authorities, however, have not even mentioned the need for an investigation. It seems that truth and justice are only interesting for Russia and the People’s Republic of Donbass. The official representative of the Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin said that the UK will verify the information gathered by the militias. Verification will take place within the framework of a criminal investigation of the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare against civilians in the south-east of Ukraine. The militia promised to ensure the safety of all international experts and journalists that arrive on the scene to investigate.

But the co-chairman of the People’s Front of New Russia Vladimir Rogov doubts that the international community and human rights activists will want to investigate the killing of civilians in the Donbass impartially. Judging from past experience, the representatives of even such a reputable organization such as the OSCE, often close their eyes to some facts as inconveniently discrediting Kiev.

- “I just returned from the Donetsk region, and I can say that these graves, we are probably going to find many more. According to the facts that we know, we should not entertain illusions that Ukrainian punishers suddenly turned into peaceful people who will not destroy the inhabitants of Novorossiya. Yesterday I was in one of the villages in which the “Grad” destroyed dozens of homes. In this village there were no positions of militias, but Kiev troops took artillery into the fields nearby and thrashed the village with direct fire.

If we talk about the bodies found in the Communar, I’m afraid that there will be a lot of similar cases. Already we have forensic data that indicate that people have been shot in the head at close range, and among the dead were women. Residents of places that were occupied by Ukrainian troops say that after the rape and robbery the Ukrainian soldiers usually tried to get rid of women, to leave no witnesses. That is, we are not talking about military casualties, but the deliberate murder, apparently to hide the traces of the illegal activities and violence.”


war, rape, ukraine, civil, murder, army, national guard, soldiers, en, women

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