Ukrainian media promises terror

Jul 25, 2014 15:01

Ukrainian media steps up the campaign for “terrorist acts”. They repeat the same story over and over every day on all channels: “expect a terrorist act and expect it to be big.” The terror is expected from the side of the Eastern republics - Donetsk and Luhansk, and, often, Russia. Why is that?

The recent provocation with the shot down “Boeing 777″ of Malaysian Airlines did not work the way Ukraine was likely expected. Quickly, it became known that neither Donetsk and Luhansk Republics nor Russia were involved in the horrible accident, despite the open accusations by Ukraine and United States.

Now they urgently need a new provocation, a big one that could justify anything the Ukrainian government may do. Every step they take makes the situation worse and worse. The war is not going the way they expected and they either need an open intervention from U.S. and NATO, or … well, is there anything else left for them?

The analysts are divided in the opinions about the terrorist act planned by the Ukrainian government. Some say, it is most likely going to be a “terrorist attack” on one of the Ukrainian nuclear power stations, most likely the one in Zaporozhie as it is the bigger one and is not too far from the “terrorists” positions. There are plenty of Ukrainian forces around that power station to manage any kind of theater they like. A terrorist attack on a nuclear power station is certain to shock the international media and society.

Other disagree though, pointing that the Europeans remember well the Chernobyl disaster and how the fallout from that hit Europe. They are highly likely to disagree with any such plan that involves radiation and the marionette government of Ukraine is not going to do anything without European consent. There still remains a question of U.S. having higher influence on the Ukrainian government though and they would not care about the fallout…

Anyhow, the second theory states that Ukraine will go with the often used “children” cliche. Maidan often used the “they are children” meme and “83 children” were the first thing in Ukrainian media after the crash of the Boeing.

We can be confident that Ukrainian Nazis will not hesitate to kill children to smear militias and Russia in blood. They killed the babies in Novorossiya with mortar fire. They burned teenagers in Odessa on May 2. Now they must do something that will surpass the “Malaysian Boeing” story. It should be a horrifying and memorable terrorist attack so that all international media will forget the failed Ukrainian provocation with the Boeing. Perhaps it will be a train on the bridge that blows up. Perhaps it will be a bus with children that blows up. Perhaps a school or a kindergarten are seized - and then again a blast.

A terrorist attack provocation is now vital for Kiev. It means life and death for Ukrainian Nazis. And for their lives, for their power they will kill as many children as they can get their hands on. And they will do it as easily as when they burned the children in Odessa.


explosion, war, europe, ukraine, children, terror, terrorist, provocation, power station, civili war, en, usa, nuclear, act

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