I have been wanting to post for weeks now. I have had no free time. Things in that arena haven't changed, so this post will be brief.
Work is drowning me; both in spirit and in tasks to complete.
I did not get chosen for either job I applied for to get out of this fucked-up-ness.
I feel stuck in my work life and out of fashion in my personal life.
I am fat, again.
I went to two different, yet equally awesome, Autumnal Equinox festivals this year. At each I spent my time with (mostly) new people. People whom I truly connected with in the moment, yet find myself lacking in value offered anything since.
I had a head full of fashionable ways in which connection could be infused and maintained after festivals ... yet those ideas are not in style at the moment.
So it is that life remains lacking in engagement and desire for and by others.
At least I still have Church. A practice which has reawakened the confidence of remembering that what I offer is more love than most can comprehend.
I remain focused on creating a life that fulfills and reflects the person I am; the person I see myself as.
"I'm taking control of my life now. Right now."
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