One More Day

Oct 31, 2013 06:40

Happy Halloween!!!

This morning I am dressed up as a co-worker of mine named Carlos. In my department he is the only male so he has to put up with a lot from us ladies, if we can be called that. This Halloween he gets to put up with us dressing like him!

It is funnier with the inside knowledge that several iterations of Carlos exist in our office, simply because people forget his name constantly! One of the best examples of this is our constant confusion in calling him Marcus, who happens to be the project manager working with us from our vendor out of Tennessee. Marcus and I have worked together the entire time I have been on this project ... 8 fucking years! So, that is the iteration of Carlos I am going as today: Marcus err, I mean Carlos.

There was also that time when a data partner called me and said, "he was out at my office, he really helped us, I can't remember his name, oh you know he is THAT MEXICAN GUY." To which I kind of giggled inside and thought to myself, "did you just call someone 'that mexican guy' while talking to a State worker?" I corrected him and told him Carlos' name, but he kept complimenting him as "That Mexican Guy." Only once did he say his name and that was simply to say, "oh wait did you say his name was Carlos before, I mean Carlos," then within the next breath he said, "That Mexican Guy."

He was truly not meaning to come across racist, he was just kind of slow and he was actually complimenting "That Mexican Guy" the entire time. I re-played the phone call with my co-workers and we all laughed, especially Carlos.

No one is going to work as "That Mexican Guy", for obvious reasons, but we all, especially Carlos, wanted too.

Carlos has also been called Sven, Gustav, Carl, and Bobble-Head. A few of these other iterations of his name will be coming to work as well.

Yeah, we are weird in our department but it is fun!

As well, today is the last day before NanoWrimo begins!!! OH MY!

I am ready! I hope.

Been working on all the concepts I want to carry through the book. Which has the potential of becoming a series if I can get this first one out. Timeline, politics, history, characters, etc. are all pretty basically defined. Some have more in depth ideas than I think will even come out in the book. However, having a background for the world in which the story takes place seems to be giving me more confidence in what I am about to embark upon in writing.

I got to get my bouncey-ball chair inflated better and make my final decision on the date of birth, date of hero creation, and date of adventure for my story line but other than that I think I am ready!

Ive been managing to get up every morning by 4:30. I really need to get that extra 30 minutes out of the way and just get up by 4. It really will make a difference as I try and get everything ready for work, including myself, before I sit down and write. Which takes me a bit longer to do in the morning than it should.

I also want to keep my time cuddling all the animals in bed first thing too! When I am waking up, about 4:15, I turn on my table lamp and this prompts Pants to jump in bed with me. Next comes Kitt-ey, who tries to stay as far away from Pants as possible, curling up on the opposite side as near to the edge of the bed as she can. Just in case Pants decides it is time for a dog-cat chase and goes after her. Then Zen gets in bed with all us ladies, smacks Pants or Kitt-ey out of his way, and cuddles next to me purring.

I spend 15 minutes wrapped in warm blankets surrounded by my cuddly pets just loving on them. It is one of my favorite parts about getting up early.

I think I'll share a sample piece of what I have written here everyday ... or at least I will try. This may be the last post you see from me for a month! Most likely it won't, I'm a writing weirdo and most likely will have to get some prose pieces out during the process.


If any of you following me are on the NanoWrimo site come find me and be my buddy I am TigressSky on there as well.

I'm excited this morning. Feeling like this weight of worry has been lifted from my shoulders. I know I am still figuring things out but there is a path now and I am happy to figure out the twist and turns it will offer.

Things are different now and at the same time they really are not. One small, very minor piece of the person I am changed. I'm no longer willing to make it the big deal a small handful led me to believe it was.

As well, I know I want more out of this life and I can settle for what I have or I can enjoy it and keep pushing myself for more. Maybe my more will never be as big as I dream it but I will never stop trying for it!

I hope I can inspire others to think in this same light. However, I am already inspiring the most important person ... myself.

Big hugs to me!!!


samhain, nanowrimo

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