Oct 16, 2006 21:12
So, here’s how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that’s playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don’t lie and try to pretend you’re cool...
Opening Credits:
Savin' Me - Nickelback (makes perfect sense to me)
Waking Up:
Jack's Lament - Danny Elfman(Nightmare Before Christmas) (i actually do this)
First Day At School:
Making Christmas - *see above (first day every school year too)
Falling In Love:
Your Song - Elton John (I'd explain why this one makes sense but I was told I shouldn't anymore)
Fight Song:
Kung Fu Generation-Full Metal Alchemist (he he I've always wanted to make people spontaneously combust)
Breaking Up:
Don't let the Sun go Down on Me - Elton John (Breaking up, pining for...all the same thing really)
The Oogie Boogie Song - Danny Elfman(Nightmare Before Christmas) (HAHAHA I would totally do that if I had gone to either one, which I didn't)
Life is good:
Simple and Clean - Kingdom Hearts (Yeah I was happy and innocent when I was young and stupid)
Mental Breakdown:
One Winged Angel - Final Fantasy 7 (oooh oooh I should go crazy more often I'm having a fangirl moment)
Tank! - Cowboy Bebop (Don't be dissin' the Jazz!)
One Sweet Day - Maria Carey (Normally I hate Maria Carey but this is a decent song)
Getting Back Together:
Real Emotion - Final Fantasy X-2
1000 Words - Final Fantasy X-2 (This song sounds really sad but the words totally make up for it)
Birth of Child:
What's This? - Danny Elfman(Nightmare Before Christmas) (I'm really not expecting to have any kids, that would require the aid of a better half...I have none :*(
Final Battle:
Blitzball Arena Rock - Final Fantasy X (oooh yay i'm a rebel with no regrets here)
Death Scene:
Sanctuary - Utada Hikaru(Kingdom Hearts II) (awesome this totally fits i love this song)
Funeral Song:
This is Halloween - Danny Elfman(Nightmare Before Christmas) (nice afterlife greeting. totally me)
End Credits:
No Rain - Blind Mellon (that's a pretty decent summation of my life all considering)
If this meme show anything it's that I'm a total dork and completely proud of it.
That and my unhealthy obsession with anything anime(Final Fantasy and otherwise). Yeah...I should have that looked into.
HA Sephiroth will still RULE!!!--Notice the icon suckers <3