Feb 14, 2005 19:34
Well, I'm not dead, although I wasn't sure if my fever was going to cook my brain or not. The coughing just won't stop. Sickness and other assorted bitchings aside, today was gorgeous. The sun was out, the sky was blue and it was 69 degrees. I just wish I'd been more alive to enjoy the day. Tomorrow I go on a field trip during my geology lab. That should be fun. I have a rock test, which doesn't exactly turn me on, but there's nothing I can do to stop it.
Jumping Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, the coughing just won't stop. I might have to make a trip to the death center for cough medicine. Maybe they'll give me the good stuff with codine....Mmmmm cooodine. I don't want to get anyone else sick. I wouldn't wish this flu on my worst enemey, well maybe Dr. Cosgrove, or Sam. They deserve to get this flu and DIE FROM IT! My hatred for those two steaming piles of shit need not be expressed any further.
Anyway, not much is going on. I don't know why I even bothered to post. I pretty much only talked about being sick, and I know how much everyone wants to hear about that. It's just that I hardly ever get sick and I've been sick twice in the past 3 weeks. Generally I have an invincible immune system, why has it failed me now? I'd rather have an illness that knocked me on my ass and was over with than some pansy-ass mild cold that lasted for 2 weeks, and that's exactly what I got. I could hardly stand up without falling over last night. I puked for a few hours and by this morning, it was pretty much over.
I'm supposed to be going home this weekend. I forgot about it until just now. Sorry Kat. I might be able to get my sister to stay for the show. I've never seen the Vagina Monologues, and I totally want a chocolate vagina! My first step towards bisexuality.
Amd to top it all off, it's valentine's day! My design class got out 2 hours early because it was valentine's day. I'm not going to bitch about how much I hate being single because most of you already know about that. I'll enjoy this day at some point in my life, but not this year.