Jul 23, 2007 12:14
I know, I know, it's been a long time since I updated the lj. Oh well, sometimes that happens.
I was going to write a real update about what I've done this weekend blah, blah blab, but I really am not in the mood. This past weekend LJ has finally clarified its TOS to make any discussion fictional or otherwise involving sex of minors a bannable offense. To me, this is very anti free speech and pretty annoying. No I don't write or read anything through lk that involves sex with minors or two minors having sex or anything else, but I don't like where this is headed. I don't like that some arbitrary line was drawn. I mean James Joyce and many other famous and nationally great writers tackle the subject of pedophilia and minors having sex. Plus, I don't see a problem with two consenting 16 year old going for it, so I don't understand why we can't write about it or talk about it. I don't think not talking about sex makes it happen less or makes when it happen better, in fact not talking about and closing the door on those kind of conversations only makes a person participating in those kind of act isolated and unable to get help or get out if they want to.
As a result of this policy change, I think...and this is terrible for me to have to do, that I am going to have to move to either greatestjournal or insanejournal instead. Obviously 6A wants things there way, and that's fine. They own lj and if they want to promote censorship and follow a policy of fear over freedom, then that is their agenda to follow. I am not going to sit here and pretend I'm ok with those policies while I wait for them to ban discussion of religion or discussion of religion that isn't mainstream or anything similar.
I'll be doing some more research into insanejournal and greatestjournal to see which one would be best for me to switch to. I will post again with my new user name and other pertinent info regarding my switch. I also ask that anyone who has an account on either of these other sites leave their account name for me so that I can friend them when I get there.
I'll probably write a few letters one to 6A to inform them of my feelings on their decision and to let them know that it has caused me to stop using their service.
Lastly, after a couple of weeks have gone by and I feel that I have properly back dated my new journal and all that jazz, I'll probably delete this one.
It makes me sad in a lot of ways. I mean this journal was my first online sites. Its filled with communities and groups I like and appreciate. I was one of the few to hop on the lj boat early before it grew in popularity, and now I'm going to have to leave. It almost doesn't seem fair. But I can't support a service that won't support free speech and open discussion, even if what they are banning isn't something I want to discuss.
I'll post again with my new info and if others want I'll post info on the differences in insanejournal and greatestjournal so that if they want to move they can make an informed choice.
This is sad and its going to be a little difficult, but it is something that I can do and will do. Le sigh.