Jan 24, 2008 17:28
This semester isn't looking so terribly bad for me. The only days that I have to be up early (which is a relative term) are on Tuesday and Thursday when my first class is at 9:35 a.m. The rest of the week I don't have anything until 1:00 or 2:00 p.m. (school or work). However, all of my nights are taken up until at least 8:00, so those mornings that I don't have school are going to be my catch-up-on-school-work days. Also, I work Saturdays for only 4 hours and get Sundays completely off. It's actually the BEST schedule that I've had.... ever.
Plus, all of my classes are getting more interesting... which means more intense and more work, but at least I'm not bored (most of the time). I'm sure by the end of the semester I'll be pulling my hair out with all of the group projects - two of which I have had to start hardcore already - but I guess that's just the way it goes in business school.
This semester would be awesome and totally manageable if I hadn't decided to go ahead and start a business up during this time. With the business, school, and work I'll be a busy girl. I have to say though that I'm more optimistic about this semester than I have been about any semester in a really long time. I think part of the reason for that is that I've been taking these multi-vitamin pills that have really been improving my mood and the way that I feel physically. As long as I make sure that I get 7-8 hours of sleep a night and I feel great all day. I've never been one for eating vegetables or anything that's healthy, but now I think I see why it's so important. I can definitely see and feel a difference. I'm much more motivated to get things done, I'm not so tired all the time anymore, and I just FEEL better. I'm also much more aware of my body and how eating really bad things affects it. If I eat something that is of questionable quality, my stomach will for sure let me know if it passed the test for good or bad. It's been nice though. I hope it stays this way for a while.