Is very hard right when it comes to politics.
And there are a lot of idiots on that forum. Like I keep seeing all sorts of stupid links being posted to show how evil and fascist and communist (yep, facist and communist, you see both being labelled on him *snicker*) Obama is. And if you look at the links and research where they come from you realize they're just far right blathering (for example one link was from a Russian media source and it was total speculation posted as fact claiming Obama proposed some new rule in some international treaty when the treaty has been being talked about for years before he was president!).
So, I randomly had a thought. I wanted to secede from the US when Bush was president cause I wanted nothing to do with him. Now I want to secede cause I want nothing to do with these people. Except since this forum is a Washington base forum, I'm still stuck with the idiots. And unfortunately not sure what state one could go to and have secede and not be stuck with these idiots.
It's not that I approve everythign Obama is doing (I think he really fails when it comes to undoing the damage Bush has done with privacy rights but I think the jury is still way out when it comes to the economy... it is far too soon to call him a failure yet and I don't believe it's as easy to say don't spend and don't tax is the right solution. I do think some spending and spurring the job market is a good thing). But, I'm just , I don't know if sick is the right word, apparently I still go to the politics forum of that forum... but maybe I am cause I tend to just skim over everything (more Obama hate just to hate him, blah blah blah, yada yada yada). It's almost laughable.
Like I said... he's being called both a fascist and a communist. They're complaining that he's not going after the people who tortured terrorists and complaining that what we do is needed to protect us against the terrorists (so do you want him to prosecute people for torture or not, guys? Oh wait, you just want to find ways to make him look bad and it's so obvious when you use both stances to complain about him). They are complaining htat he killed the economy (wow, in 100 days). They are complaining about the bailout packages which, well, he didn't start that idea, that happened before he was even president.
They claim to be the party that is paranoid of government and it going too far. And yet when I point out the problem with having a government that is ok with torturing in the name of protecting hte country and having a citizenry that tells the government it is ok to do so to protect them that that also means the government could decide taht we need protecting from ourselves and that torture on criminals is appropriate to make sure they can't get away (and what happens when the person is innocent? Oh, we have to torture them first to make sure they're not)... anyways, I'm told to get realistic and that the government would never use it against us... the government only is out for our protection, right? Wait, didn't the far right claim to be the ones who think government should have less power cause it gets corrupted?
They're cheering the teabag ceremonys (I saw a funny picture of one of those. saying cut taxes, not the military... but wait, how are we supposed to get money to upkeep the military? Militaries are far from cheap... ).
They're bitching about some mother act, hr20, saying it wants to make all new mother's take a test and if they fail they can't go home with their baby. well at least that's what all these alarmist articles say... cept when you read the bill, at least when I read it, I see nothing of the sort (if anyone reading this knows anything about it, I'm still curious where it says that or what it said that might be construed that way. I ahve asked several times on the forum and no one has even acknowledged my question0. And yet when I ask some one to please tell me where in the bill it says that, they conveniently ignore me and go on freaking out about how this is the US going in the direction of more government control on your life.
Oh, speaking of them bitching about wanting less government control over their lives... then why are they so adamant that government should tell gays they can't marry?
And they bitch about the far left and how we're just puppets. But wait, I've seen our shock jocks actually bitch abotu Obama and express disappointment with him. If you did that when Bush was president you were unpatriotic and you should support your president. Did their shock jocks ever express much disappointment with Bush (even though he'd deserve it?)? At least it seems the left can question itself. I fear a group in control that does not allow people ot question it.
The far right is being so damned stupid they're a joke! No wonder they liked Bush and Palin. And it's scarey that some how they have control over some large party. Fuck, it's scarey Palin was given the time of day...
And no, I dont' think Obama is doing much of a job of joining the country. But with one side throwing temper tantrums like that and displaying that they just want to find anything wrong, could anyone really unite the country? I'm wondering if the rift in this country has gotten so big what could really unite it? I have to admit I don't feel like being united with those idiots (as I said, I had random thought of wanting to secede to get away from them). I'm just sick of their blathering. And they certianly don't want to be united to anyone who doesn't agree with them.