Torchwood 2x10

Mar 13, 2008 18:00

I kinda didn't really like it all that much....

Yes, Ianto had more screentime and general purpose this week, BUT he looked scared to death or teary-eyed the whole way through, and I just didn't get an explanation, nor even a small hint of why he'd have such an extreme reaction to events in this episode.

The Electro did clearly mean something to him, and maybe the series of events in this episode somehow triggered something with his father or family life that we're not aware of. Maybe even triggered something with Jack that didn't occur to me. But I have never seen a character look more constantly petrified the entire episode, when he wasn't in immediate danger that often.

I'm not asking Torchwood to hit me with an anvil as to the reason Ianto had such an emotional state of being this week, but I sure would like a little something more than he really loved that theatre, because ultimately it's about the loss of life that's so tragic, not that film replaced traveling circuses, yes?

Speaking of which... the entire plot was lame. Now, yes, it is Torchwood, and plotting has never been it's strongest thing, and usually it doesn't bother me at all if I find the episode entertaining as a whole and I loved the characters in it.

Yet, I just found that people climbing out of film to be absurd and not really relative to a rift in time and space. It's not alien related, though maybe the rift let them climb out of the film or some shit. And again, not that I need an anvil, but give us a little more why rather than just "they can." Some explanation of how the rift is involved in their being able to do this. The resolution was equally weak and unchallenging, which I think was the reason that only one of the affected people lived, so that it didn't seem THAT easy.

But ultimately, there was no challenge in Jack to expose the film. Nobody trying to grab the camera, nobody losing the camera, the camera getting stuck and unable to release the film while Ianto might be getting life-sucked. That would have upped the stakes. Maybe a time issue or something, but regardless, it was TOO EASY to make the bad guys disappear, even if were to go along with the whole "re-filming them and overexposing them will kill them" idea, which I'm not entirely behind (and the end of the episode indicates that they can just climb out again from another reel), but I would have gone with it had there been more stakes and difficulty in completing that task.


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