The Spring Tiger Chronicle 3 - A Belated Joke

Apr 09, 2021 11:00

I have so many topics in my mind to write about, but... First of all, the weather might be the only one that doesn't bring any difficulties (when you take a pen into your hand. Well, a mouse, I mean:). And secondly, I can use these posts to keep my English at least at this poor level....

Although this post will be the last in a the series, but with a photo :)

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Unlike many people, I could always, without any hesitation, answer the question about my favorite season. Spring, of course, it's spring! I always liked, changing a heavy coat for a light jacket, to walk around and touch little sticky leaves on the trees and bushes...
I liked doing that in my childhood in Riga, then in Boston, and after that in Geneva. But here these leaves are ... They pretty similar to the bees of Winnie-the-Pooh.
Well, it's not that you can't find them here, but they are not exactly the right leaves. And the climate here is the same story. Well, have I promised to show you a photo? The freshest one, from the first day after the holidays, i.e. this Tuesday? Hence you can judge by yourself...

But for now, let's revenons à ces moutons... Well, to this spring, I mean (you understand me, I'm sure:).

On Monday of March 29, it seemed that spring had completely come onto its throne: waiting for kids next to our new school, you could see many people bringing their boats with yachts to the local pier. How could you don't believe in spring after that?

In addition, our local ice-cream cafe "Venice" was reopen. Well, not only it: my favorite one, on the train station, was reopen too. All the long windy and chilly winter they were closed. In the fall we tried the ice-cream on the train station (and liked it a lot), but we have never visited our local "Venice"... We both dreamed about eating ice-cream there all this long winter. Even our local gnomes in the shop next to "Venice" took off their masks, to enjoy ice cream :)

So, on Thursday of April 1, we went there, but our visit was pretty unsuccessful: the ice-cream was tasteless, and we got some belly problems afterword.

Hence, I told Andrey firmly, 'I want to go to Venice! To eat ice-crrrrrream...'

Why am I worse than the characters of different writers? However, the borders are still closed, and there is no Venice. Well, if Andrey's friend (a real Venetian man) told him the truth, there was no Venice anymore since "good" ten years at least.

And then, on the same day, during the German class, they called the French Colmar an incomprehensible "KAlma" in the video. How did they dare?! (I hate the April first since my childhood!)
In addition they suddenly announced the cancellation of the exam, adding that this was not a joke (and I just hadn’t understand a joke before that). So I got the opportunity to feel like Hermione :)

And finally, here is the photo, I have promised. This Tuesday, on the first day after the mini-vacation, your Tiger-cub saw through the window

A belated joke of nature by April Fool's Day, I guess ...


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