The Spring Tiger Chronicle 2 - The Hang of It

Apr 06, 2021 16:49

March 20 smoothly flowed into the week of March 22, and the new week brought new signs of a new spring.

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First, there was a bufflehead greenhead drake discovered next to our inoperative fountain.
The bufflehead greenhead drake looked pretty unhappy (not to say angry).
'What's that', could be clearly read on his face expression... Well, on his beak expression.
'The winter is over already! What do you think?! Why this stuff still doesn't work? Where I suppose to bring my brides to?!"

By the way, maybe it's really serious problem - to protect the houses with gardens from the enamored drakes. Hence, we have seen a cat exhibited in the garden of the courtyard of a house not far from the new school. No, it wasn't exact at all. There is a Huge Black Cat with shine eyes in the garden of the courtyard of a house not far from the new school. I don't know either this cat works, or his masters are just big funs of M. Bulgakov, but the cat itself is very amazing :)

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Secondly, all six restaurant lantern booths were disassembled and taken away. Remembering Orly's father's advice and my many missed opportunities, I took the Tiger Cub for a ride on our local Ferris wheel. It's still on its place, but nobody knows when it is planed be taken away...

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Finally, I don’t know why different writers and poets wrote so much about cats. Well, it's, of course, a magic and holy creature, but the main reason (I think so) is that these writers haven't met some of comrades around here. I tell you for sure: if they did they would forget all their cats and would write mainly about these persons types.

Immediately after the vernal equinox, two groups of comrades took off their masks and began drinking and eating on the trains. Okay, let's put aside all local teenagers - the young offspring of this age is almost the same everywhere. But a certain group of "young" m... n... Well, I'll use the word "jerks" to be polite, but you understand me. Because if they use their mask, it's only to cover their black beards, and they're neither teenagers nor local at all. Don't ask me about their language - it's none one of five languages I learned or tried to learn.
Only one thing could be told for sure: they definitely think that they are above all rules, especially after the inspectors have disappeared from the trains.

And I still haven't said a single word about different cowboys (and cowgirls). However, the hang of it. And I'd rather tell you that soon there will be four storks in the nest :)


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