C'est-ce que c'est?

Oct 16, 2019 19:23

У каждого места есть свои непонятные вещи, не только на востоке.

Например, приехав в Милане на цирк, мы так и не поняли, почему у меня похитили пробку от бутылки с водой. Задать вопрос не представлялось возможным, я и так с большим трудом поняла, чего от меня вообще хотят, хоть и не поняла почему. Саму бутылку с водой оставили, забрали только пробку. Причем, тоже самое произошло в буфете цирке: бутылку продали без пробки. Хорошо что хоть с водой внутри :)

А сегодня у нас меня поразил... лифт.
Сначала к лифту подошла одна дама, потом я, а потом уже месье. Даме нужно было вниз, нам - наверх, поэтому мы остались ждать лифт вдвоем. Когда лифт вернулся, мы вошли: я надавила на нужную клавишу наверх, а месье - вниз. Мряв! Лифт поехал вниз, мы подобрали маму с дочкой (нет, месье не вышел), вернулись к стартовой точке, выпустили маму с дочкой... и вдвоем поехали наверх. Можно бы, конечно, подняться пешком, но там ступеньки на улице и не самые удобные в мире.

Each place has its own strange things, not only in the east, as it was told at one famous movie.

For example, when we arrived to Milan's circus, we did not understand why they had taken a bottle cap from my little water bottle. I couldn't ask any question, I without any question hardly got what did they wanted. It was no sense try to clear up why I should give them my poor screw cap.
The bottle of water itself left with me, but I hope you definitely agreed that is not nice to have a bottle with water without possibility to close it tight, especially at place like circus with many running kids and their parents rushing after them.
Oh, boys... I couldn't throw away the bottle and to buy a new one because...
Yes, I did it, BUT! In the cafeteria they sold me one more bottle with water without bottle cap...

* * *
And this week already here I was completely amused by one elevator.
First one Lady arrived to it, then I came up, followed by a Monsieur. The Lady needed descendre, and we with Monsieur were going up.
Hence, we yield Lady, and stayed waiting for the elevator's return. When it showed up for the second time, we entered: I pressed the button to go up, and then Monsieur pressed the parking button.
Mew-purr-meow, and hissssssss... The elevator went down to "P".
Well, we picked up mom with her daughter (no, Monsieur did not get out), returned to the starting point, said "good bye" and "bonne journée" to both filles, and finally(!) starting to go up...
Of course, I could climb by my foot, but these stairs were outdoors and not the most convenient in the world.

дыбр, english

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