Spring came for about two weeks. Soon it will leave, but this week I reopened the second undoubted local sign of spring in addition to ants: park benches. Well, the park benches don't disappear for winter time, but with spring coming they are proud with traces of teenage shoes. Because then, with the real coming of spring schoolchildren sprinkle benches in the manner of sparrows: they sit on their backs, placing their feet where most ordinary people put other part of their body. And one day this week it was somehow unusually noisy. I went to look at the calendar: it was the day of Saint Louise. But, perhaps, neither Louise nor upcoming spring are not guilty, but there was just an important game.
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On Friday, going on the car under the bridge, we were enthusiastically greeted by the people on the bridge itself. I immediately remembered the novel "The Golden Calf", but Andrey protested and explained that the largest in Switzerland car salon had been opened on the place of the former dog show. Maybe they these people thought that we were the part of the festal gala rally.
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According to the contract with our landlords, we can't attach anything to the walls. But, on the other hand, we, like most other people, acquire things, the Kitten's dowry also grows, while the place on the hanger is decreasing. So, this I decided that it's impossible to continue like this, and went to study the special hooks bought by the husband for the bathroom. In our bathroom any hooks don't work anyway, so it would be nothing bad to try to attach them to our books stand. I took the package with hooks and looked for instruction, but without any success. There were some letters on the hooks package on some unknown languages, it wasn't even French. Well, I did not understand anything, but I assumed that this was just information about the manufacturer, and then watches the pictures carefully: use a washcloth (leaving a stars trace), hold the hook under pressure for 30 seconds, wait 24 hours, and hang what you'd like. Maybe this washcloth should be even magic, hence I switched my attention to the hook itself, and instead of the first stage, I took away the tape of the hook's back. Now we are at the third stage, and I hope the fourth step will not disappoint :)
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I had to write an important letter in French. I wrote it in English, translate.google.com translated it carefully, then I did some small changes and asked for a help. An acquaintance helps, but ... That website is not perfect, I'm not either, so all mistakes should be corrected. But here we have, as our child says, a "prooblem": there is only English alphabet on my computer, and all French additional icons are missing. On the other hand, all letters in French, especially to officials, should be written as it supposed to be. Then I told the acquaintance about different tricks: you can or write in the "French" window of the same site translate.google.com in the hope of its intelligence and ingenuity, copying the correct corrections into the letter itself. Or you can write in the "English" window in the hope of a correct translation.
As some people say that low-income men are sometimes very acute. As I had opened the jar with pickled cucumbers, I an not goint to tell :)
By the way, it's much more difficult to write on a mobile phone in French. Firstly, the improved text with all the icons can not be copied, and secondly the mobile phone is constantly trying to change my poor French text to the correct English words. I even agree with my cellphone somewhere in the back of my heart, that it's better to use English, but others have other opinion.
Well, I can also report how I try to write in Hebrew with my computer keyboard, using the russian translit website, but then it's better to tell about the can of cucumbers :)
By the way, I can't guess till now which settings this site tries to download all the time so hard...
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And finally about the cow from the village market. It turns out that she neither gives milk nor advertises any cheese, but does advertise home-made farm beer. She even delivers this beer to the market. Therefore here you can find even riding cows.