Theatrical Novel or Being Famous

May 21, 2017 21:56

A real classical theater begins with checkroom, while an usual one starts in its own way. My first personal meeting with a theater like this took place in my 8th grade of the school at one literature lesson. Our teacher was a great entertainer, and on one day, in order not to drop her name and prestige, she announced about the production of the play "Le Bourgeois gentilhomme". Well, without any bellet scenes/acts, but only the main parts of this play, and that's it. However, this all was enough for amazing memories: I remember that two friends from our class - Julia and Lena - played my daughter and a maid, but who exactly was who, it's harder to recall. I remember very well who was a beautiful Marquise, in which my husband-by-this-play had fallen in love, but who was this "husband" I have forgot completelly.

Then I moved to another school. There already was a "real theater group". Well, to call it "real theater group" is a little bit exaggeration. The management of the school had decided on a five-day study-week with mandatory Saturday mornings, when we had to go to an activity by our choice. Slightly hesitating, I decided not to choose any sports activities, and was thinking between two responsible possibilities: "Programming" or "Theater".
The leader of the first one was a pretty odd lady, who taught math at my friend's class, while the theater dame taught us "arts". During this not-so-short-process of my hard choice between these two hay piles two activities, I had missed all the roles in the main performance of the semester (some kind of Sultan with his Shaherizada), and returned to the class where they rehearsed the minor play "Lullaby." Here I was already promised to be enrolled into this play, depending on my further regular visits and proper diligence with behavior: at that lesson we were practicing cats ignoring the gait of models. Walking under the watchful eye of the teacher (everything can be useful during a life) and being heavily impressed by the "Lullaby" (do not wake the beast in me, it sleeps badly anyway), I returned to the computer class.
I have to note immediatelly that my regrets about the impossibility to participate in the main performance of the semester coudn't last for a long time: the teacher was fired, and together with her the "Lullaby", the main play of the semester, and the rest of all the "arts" disappeared completelly from our school.

However, life is full of historic recurrence. I had been already living in Israel for many years, had served in the army, had graduated from the first degree and were studing for the second one, when I faced the theater once more. As many other TA I was invited to a course with a real actor.
The etude - "I and the classroom board" - was failed by me with a bang. The real actor ridiculed my behavior at the blackboard, the story of my participation in a movie, and my "huge" height. I broke off my cinema story at its most begining and was indignant at the mockery over the height. Once again I have come to the conclusion that I coudn't fit any theater, and realized that any acter was and looked better from the stage.

Therefore, I met the announcement of the meeting with the actors of the local theater as a part of our French class with ... mirthless skepticism (let's say this in such way). But this time I was wrong: the both actris who came to our French lesson were very pleasant ladies, and the lesson itself was wonderful.


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