Apparently the neocon machine is keeping an eye on TDS, and what select guests have to say on Stewart's couch.
Today, Salon ran a story subtitled "Savaged by right-wingers for a 'Daily Show' appearance in which she seemed to root for U.S. failure, former Clinton advisor Nancy Soderberg talks about what Bush does and doesn't deserve credit for.".
"That was banter with Jon Stewart, and I think that the fact that it was taken out of context says more about how desperate [right-wing] extremists are to find something to criticize the Democrats for. I think you can make way too much of a late-night comedy show and the right-wing bloggers who go around looking for ways to bash Democrats."
Read the story
here (if you're not a Salon subscriber, grab the day pass - you can easily ignore the ad). It's fascinating stuff, and a good follow-up to her TDS interview.