I was in the kitchen late one Caturday morning making breakfast: toasted bagels with Nutella spread on them. While it really sucked that I could no longer enjoy chocolate in anything but my human form, the added sense input I got in mid-form made it definitely worthwhile, and Nutella was just damn tasty, regardless of the form I took.
Ch'Mrr came in in the middle of prep and asked for a sample after I explained what it was. I didn't know if the ingredients would cause them problems, so the sample was very small. Fortunately, it didn't, and so I made up another bagel for him to eat. The emotional response I got from him telepathically was... well, off the scale.
We surprised Sh'Meral with it when she arrived home from a meeting with T'Grlf, and things went... well, in an interesting direction after that. I ended up sleeping for a couple hours afterwards, though. Oy. Those two wore me plum out.
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