Jul 29, 2005 15:04
I just finished my first week of Animal Sciences 597 (Animals rights and what not). It has been very interesting so far, but the teacher is a little weird. First off, he has apparently never seen the name Chelsea because he mispronounced it four times!!!! There is another Chelsea in my class and when he called roll on the first and second day he said "Chelsa" for both of us (and we even corrected him on the first day). Other than that he is just a weird dude in general....Steph Kuo can vouch for that.
Only a little over 5 weeks until I return to Texas. There is a song on the radio called "Ohio" (I think) and one of the lyrics is "Come back to Texas." When I first heard it I was like "hell yeah, I'm coming back to Texas." I need to call and reserve a shuttle from the Dallas airport to Tyler as Jenny won't be able to come pick me up in Dallas. I need to do that today.
I also have to buy cat litter.