English football

Apr 03, 2017 14:05

I have to move a scene from Kansas to Kent. Originally it was a Little League game; a parent watching becomes more and more annoyed that the umpire is favoring his own child in his calls. "He's only pretending to be objective! He's like the Supreme Court!" she fumes as she stalks down to confront him.

And now, Kent. Baseball becomes football/soccer.

1) Is there an English equivalent to Little League?

2) There's an ambiguous maneuver in the Little League game -- a player lands home as the catcher taps him with the ball, and it's hard to say which happens first. But the umpire declares his child "safe." It is this which leads to our character losing her temper. Is there an equivalent play in soccer/football?

I suppose the Supreme Court reference must go. In the US, no one has seen the Court as apolitical in decades, but I don't think that joke travels. Unless:

3) Is there any famous person or organization in the UK suspected of not being as objective as they pretend to be?
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