The blogs are so much emptier than they once were. Like a grand and noble house, now full of empty rooms and furniture with blue striped dust covers. And yet I think the blog form is quite perfect for a writer. Let others move on to new partners; I will revolve through the fading ballrooms, embracing ghostly, perhaps nonexistent readers.
I have been busy. Among other things, I wrote a pilot that entailed my traveling to the Martian desert to film -- the Martian desert being, as we all know, a bit south of Albuquerque. The director was a man of wisdom; the actors were brilliant, and a delight to work with. But TV is a business; there are only a certain number of slots; our roulette number did not come up.
I did get two charming cards out of it from my assistant: I still have many books to write, but before I leave this town forever I want to make an effort to sell a project that's been my heart's desire for many years. So I've told my agent I won't be staffing for a few months, while I refine this and pitch it. Of course, no money of any sort is coming in -- the days when you'd be paid to develop are long over. I am, at this moment, like an autumn leaf let loose from a branch; as I fall slowly and gently, twirling in the sun, I am writing like a fool. When I touch down and the bank account runs out, I'll take a job on someone else's show for a year or two.
Then it's off to the hypothetical farm in New England, to teach and write books.
But not this year. This year, as a congenitally morose director I knew used to say when someone asked how he was doing, "I'm living the dream."