Even Fox Likes Michael Moore's Movie

May 21, 2007 12:27

I'm a fan of Michael Moore's work.  Though I'll concede that he sometimes goes a bit far (e.g, his portrayal of pre-war Iraq in Farenheit 9/11 was a bit heavy-handed), he generally has the right point (e.g., the Iraq War has been a pointless waste of several hundred thousand lives and half a trillion dollars).  I respect him for his courage; he was criticizing Commander Cuckoo-Bananas back when it was considered "treasonous" to do so.  I also respect Moore for his great comedic timing; it's hard to find humor in such dark times, but he's always managed to do so, much like Stewart and Colbert.  And hell, how can I not like a guy who looks like the living incarnation of Peter Griffin?

Freakin' sweet.

Anyway, I've been eagerly anticipating Mr. Moore's upcoming film, Sicko, as I'm a person who loathes our country's "survival of the richest" healthcare system.  There's absolutely no valid reason why the wealthiest country on earth has 50 million people with no health insurance (to paraphrase Moore, we're slightly better off than Slovenia).  Now, I'm not surprised that left-leaning reviewers have started celebrating this film in advance, but I'm absolutely astonished to hear the same from a right-wing source such as Fox News, which refers to the film as "brilliant and uplifting".  I found that to be one helluva pleasant surprise.  What's next?  Bush bringing our troops home?
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