(no subject)

Nov 07, 2004 10:03

"Because life is too boring to not shake things up." -- fave quote by best friend

My extremely liberal English teacher is rooting me on now, 'cuz I've decided to join one of her "poetry slam" things. (I guess that's where people get together in bars and read their writing dramatically, like in a skit) She wants me to read this thing I wrote the other day called "Diary Of An Assfucker." WOW, I love her so much; she's the greatest teacher ever...I've never had a teacher be so supportive of me shocking the hell out of people... *huge smiles*

I love her. If I was 'straight'er,lol, and she was about 15 years younger and she wasn't married and didn't have a baby, I would TOTALLY...uh...fuck her...wait, that's really gross...ewwwwww! :0

Anyhoo, there's this December 'showcase of school talent' show (or whatever) coming up...and my Eng. teacher doesn't know it yet, but I've entered myself in the show with this new thing I'm writing... (Now, the kids at school may know I'm not exactly straight =D, but they've never seen this side of me before... And the best thing is, this is mostly a show for PARENTS. lol I know these people. They're all little conservative Satans. They're gonna have heart attacks when they hear my shit...lol)

But the best part is going to be standing up there, watching the expressions on parent's faces, and then seeing my friends in the back, laughing their asses off, supporting me... God, I'm such a drama queen.


PS: This is totally unrelated, but I wanted to bitch about it anyway. WHAT IS IT WITH CONSERVATIVES AND SHOUTING THEIR BELIEFS ACROSS RESTAURANTS?!? My FUCKING FATHER and I are eating out the other day, and he sees his conservative rally-buddies sitting by us, and they start celebrating 'America's victories' and a 'return to family values after a whole year of trying to fuck with marriage' and blah blah blah...meanwhile, I'm so fucking angry, I'm chewing a hole in my plate. Apparently, these friends of my dad are extremely pleased that 11 states voted in support of the FMA. Those fuckers.
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