It has been forever long...

May 02, 2005 20:13

I finally did it. I finally abandoned Xanga and returned to the best online journal service in the world. Before I get all sentimental (that will most likely come with my next entry) I'm simply going to vent:
You know what I hate about MTV reality TV series, well, aside from the fact they're reality tv shows? The fact they play really good music like Postal Service, the Strokes, and the Shins on shitty shows like "MTV Movie Life: House of Wax". You're probably wondering why I'm watching the show in the first place, but you know, it was on...shut up? Playing this quality music seems to be a reoccurring issue with MTV because they play the same couple songs on every reality TV series they have.
I took the AP English test today. It was fun, fun like breaking a bone is fun.
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