Um yes, an update perhaps?

Sep 22, 2003 22:08

Oh geeze. People told me Sophomore year would be easier than Freshman year and I'm thinking woooaahhh what kind of classes did YOU take? The sad thing is, I don't even think it's much harder, I just think I have fallen back into that never ending "I don't care if I succeed" hole. I lack motivation and people have told me "use college as your goal". College is so far away, seriously. But I mean, I know if I don't do well now, I won't in the future because I know I'm not one to drastically change after graduating high school assuming I'll change my ways in college. The thing is, I need a short term goal, something I can look forward to if I do all my homework and study for just...this week persay. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just get bored? You must think many things interest me but honestly, there are only few things/people I can truly tolerate.

Ugh, I hate livejournal, I'm taking a break, not only from livejournal but from the interenet in general. I'm addicted and it's pathetic. During that break I will for sure bring my GPA back up to it's desired 4.0. It's only 5 weeks into the school year, yes I can do it...

Until my GPA boost,
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