Apr 13, 2005 22:31
ok so here's the deal, on Feb. 14 (Valentine's day) I got mono. Isn't that romantic? And before you start with the snide comments I don't know who I got it from but I do know it wasn't from kissing (seeing as I have been sadly lacking in that department) So for about two and a half weeks I didn't really have the energy to update, plus I had nothing to talk about. So because of the Mono I had to drop half of my classes and I had to take a lot of time of work. now as to why I didn't update after the mono; I've been busy. Since I've recovered I've been spending a lot of time hanging out with both my old friends from high school and with my newer friends from work. Since two months of socializing is a bit much to remember and catch you up on I'll start with the week before my spring break, most of my older friends had that week off so on Monday the 21 I had a movie night at my place in which I baked cheesecake for all who came. The next day we all just hung out and rested during the day and then my big sister, Emily, came home from San Francisco that evening. Wednesday was Emily's 23rd birthday (hence the last post b/c she wanted so kind of shout out on my page so that people would know that she existed) so we did the whole Family thing and went out to diner to celebrate. The next day (Thursday) Emily and I spent the day playing at Disneyland. On Friday morning at 9:35 I had my British Literature midterm (got a B+ by the way). On Saturday Em and I went to the movies in the morning and then had a big Easter diner with our extended family. Later that night I got to together with some co-workers at Carrows and just hung out. Sunday my sister left and it was a day of rest. So then my spring break started, and my friend Rita and I spontaneously decided to visit our friend Jessica up at her college in Thousand Oaks on Wednesday/ Thursday. The trip ended with us (again spontaneously) go to Little Tokyo. Friday April 1st was my friend Saul's 21st birthday, so I spent the day baking coconut cupcake's and making frosting and at 10:50pm a big group of us saw Sin City (kick ass movie) and later went to Denny's. This resulted in me get home at around 4:00am. At around 9:00pm on Saturday a bunch of us went over to Saul's place for a poker championship and drinking. Sunday was spent just hanging out and resting after the night we just had. Unfortunately, the next day I was back to school.That Friday I filed an application for a second job, and then that night I went to a party of some friends of my friend Jake. Saturday Opal and I drove up to the Renaissance Faire hopping that someone from our booth would be there since they didn't respond to our e-mail's and we still needed our passes. Thankfully Captain was there and we are back for another year. Again Sunday was for rest. Monday I had a test in marine science. Which brings us to the present, and just as a heads up it may be a bit before I update again ( but not as bad as this last time) seeing as my sister is flying home on Friday and we may go to Disneyland again, Saturday my mom is throwing a bridal shower for my cousin and Sunday I'll be working/ hanging out with my sister at the Renaissance Faire. So I'm going to be really busy for a while but when I find time I promise to update again. But hey, at lest this update was a long one.