
Jul 08, 2010 18:50

Hoorah for me! I've finally done something! I've (finally) finished editing (for now at least. There are some holes, so that may be fixed later. If I have the time and the inclination) the one called Entirely too Perfect. It's fluff that was written really, really fast, so don't judge! I've had some great people read through it, though, so it is majorly improved :D. I've posted the first two chapters (reposted the first with the edited version) at FF.net, and I will probably add it to grangerenchanted and petulant poetess. :D
Now that that is done, it will be updated weekly.

With regards to my other fics: my Remus/Hermione one is put on hold. I definitely intend on finishing it, but there's so much inspiration!

I have a Barty/Hermione one that I am slowly, but surely working on. Oh the sexiness that is David Tennant. So, I hope to be getting most of it written, and when I have, I will begin posting, yeah? I just don't want to disappoint anyone so I like to write most of it before I start getting it up. Maybe once I have a regular following I will start posting as I write, who knows? But for now, I don't really trust myself.

P.S. you can get to my FF page through the link in the entry below.

david tennant, harry potter

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