Gacked from
oropher_777 What Be Your Nerd Type?
Your Result: Gamer/Computer Nerd
You enjoy the visual stimulants of a video game, chatting on AIM, or reading online comics. Most of these types of nerds are considered dirty who lack hygeine, of course they always end up being the ones who make a crapload of money. And don't worry, that's just a stereotype; I'm not calling you dirty. ^_~
Anime Nerd
Social Nerd
Science/Math Nerd
Literature Nerd
Artistic Nerd
Drama Nerd
What Be Your Nerd Type?Quizzes for MySpace You can't call me a rich person either! LOL BTW, what the hell is a "social" nerd? Wouldn't that be similar to jumbo shrimp? Or maybe they are referring folks to who go to cons and such. Didn't think of that. Yay for thinking outloud!
But yeah, pretty accurate here. :D
Job is kinda... well, it's work. The software we'll be using appears to be buggy and we didn't really get trained all that great. So, if something goes wrong, not my fault. I imagine they'll be a bit forgiving at first anyway. All the forms get reviewed before going to the IRS anyway. :p BTW, the 40 hours turns out to be not guaranteed, but will likely happen during the peak times. Hey, it's money, right? :)
Had an interview early this morning for a permanent job as an admin assistant for a manufacturing distribution. Would be a small office, with calm atmosphere and good pay. Not sure if they liked me or not (couldn't tell!), but I'm hoping!
Think I'll go shower now and try to get some sleep. Went to bed early last night, and ended up having lots of nightmares. :( Hoping that doesn't happen again tonight.
Maybe I should stop reading Neil Gaiman before bed.... *snerk*
Oh, before I forget! I bought treasures! :D Dark red chenille gloves and scarf. Yay for soft fuzzies! And a dark red, almost burgundy faux-suede purse. All for under $26! Yay Wal-Mart! LOL All were needed, so no guilt in buying them. :D
Okay, going now. I promised a friend I'd let them know about my interview this morning.