A New begining...

Jun 02, 2004 10:04

   Well to tell you the truth it's been quite awhile since i've been here.... I told myself last time that I wouldn't be coming back yet here I am again.  I'm losing alot of friends from my last one... but sometimes I feel like that's why I can come back..
   I'm sorry... There's pry alot of you who have no idea what i'm talking about... well I'll get there soon enough don't worry.  But this isn't a story of my past... we all have one of those... I will admit i've been lucky enough not to regret anything.  but that doesn't make it any better then anyone elses... just means i'm pure evil... and so it really just doesn't effect me...LOL!... naw... Just kidding... maybe... anywayz....  So let's start with a little of my past so you can get a feel for how i got to where i am today...
   So just over a year ago... some time ,i think in march, last year I ended the best relationship i'd even been in.  I was dating my best friend & was then engaged to her.   But like a true ass I took her for granite & strangley enought that didn't but her... but it bugged me.  I saw what she ment to me & how much she was worth but i wasn't being good enough to her... so I tried taking a month to re-calabrate myself... try to clean up a lot for her... but she saw it as me pulling away... long story short... we broke up. 
   Her last words to me were we'll always be best friends... & besides the call on my birthday... the notice that she was engaged again (aprox. 3 months after we broke up...) and seeing her at random San Diego/La Mesa Events with her fience' (well now husband... if she ever read's this congrats... i'm really happy that you found the guy that can give you everything you deserve.  :)  & i still love you as a friend... and always will...) That's been her version of being a best friend... a little bit less then I was hoping for... but I geuss some people can't rember the good in friendships when there's bad in relationships... whatever... so moving on....

I have just came to the relization that when i started dating again (3 months later myself) it was a total mistake.. I was filling the void left by my last GF with my new GF and really didn't have a friendship that it was based on... so when she took away the physical part of our relationship my built in loyalty kicked in... though it was really hard because we really didn't have anything beyond that...She really didn't understand me nor did i really feel like she even tried... she's shell up when it was too hard to understand me.  So about 2 weeks ago or so I broke it off with her... I figure I don't want to waste anymore of her time...

And now that brings me to present... I'm currently tired of having a GF... I really don't want one ... i've had a GF or feince' for the last 8 years now without a break longer then 3 months....  So it's time for me to just start building up friends again... so when I am ready... maybe a friend i'm close to will be too... though this is just wishfull thinking... who knows what the future has in store for me.  So there I am.... sitting at a computer typing my life away to anyone willing to spend the 5 mins to read it.  well it's been great sharing with all of you ...   This is just a start of what is to come.  Though this is the only entry available to non friends... if you are a friend or if you want to be post a reply & if you intrest me i'll add ya to share the rest of the story... well there's much more adventure & complications... but always rember...

Nothing is as easy as it looks. -- Murphy's First Law

Everything takes longer than you think. -- Murphy's Second Law

Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. -- Murphy's Third Law

If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong. -- Murphy's Fourth Law

If anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway. -- Murphy's Fifth Law

If you perceive that there are four possible ways in which a procedure can go wrong and circumvent these, then a fifth way, unprepared for, will promptly develop. -- Murphy's Sixth Law

Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse. -- Murphy's Seventh Law

After things have gone from bad to worse, the cycle will repeat itself. -- Farnsdick's corollary

If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something. -- Murphy's Eighth Law (also known as The Law of Ignorance)

Nature always sides with the hidden flaw. -- Murphy's Ninth Law (aka The Law of F**Ked Climbs)

It is impossible to make anything foolproof, because fools are so ingenious. -- Murphy's Eleventh Law

Murphy was an optimist. -- O'Toole's Commentary

These all just seem so true in life.  Thanks for sharing the last 5 mins of your life with me.


and if any of you rember me from before... I lost my entire friend list so i'll add you again. I've just been out for the past year... plenty of new stories now... just let me know... give me a reply here so i can grab your user name & add you to my friends list...

David, Jess, Laura, Kristin, Erin, Squeekie, and all the rest... (I really don't think i should name you all...LOL!) I miss you guys... drop me a line & i'll try to seek you all out... later...
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