It's an island....

Apr 30, 2008 06:22

First off, don't yet know what classes I am teaching next year. They just barely got signed contracts back of what staff are returning. The current 6th/7th English teacher, who wanted to drop down to 3 classes next year, has been approached about doing 6th/7th English and History.  They are trying to keep all full-time people and eliminate part-time teachers (more time per dollar from the school's end). Which makes sense to me from a business end. I hope to know in the next week.

Next up, I have committed to go on another church mission trip - this time to Samoa! We will likely be doing a VBS/sports camp, so no hard labor sanding and painting! :) Of course Samoa itself presents some personal challenges for me. I don't do fish or other swimmy thing food and, well, it's an island! I am a very fair skinned read head and, well, it's an island. I am born and raised in the desert, where the rainy season officially kicks off by 3 consecutive days of more than 33% humidity, and, well, it's an island! LOL

Lastly, only 6 more weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am already starting my list of what I want to change for next year, both personally and logistically. I am hoping that a bonus from the lowered staff is my own room. At any rate, it should be awesome! :)

teaching, samoa

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