Title - Kotoba Sagashi #1
Circle - Pekora
Pairing - Ichigo x Inuoe
Not Work Safe (at all)
Here is the second of my bleach doujinshi scans - again one I don't think has been done yet. This one is a great Orihme x Ichigo one - I say that as I'm a true yaoi girl (love the Ichigo x Ishida pairing usually) but this one was an exception. It's got great cute chibi action, hot smex and a happy Ichigo (and I am an Ichigo fangirl as well so that's all good). Next I'll probably do and Ichigo x Ishida one but I also have some xxholic and d.gray-man to do so I'm not sure what next weekends scanning will entail.
Hope you enjoy it - here it is on
mediafire - any problems with downloading just let me know