Still alive.....

May 11, 2010 09:26

After getting an email from an online friend just asking how I was and saying that they hadn't heard from me in a while I thought I'd put a quick note up here just to confirm that life still exists.  I will get back to emailing my friend but I keep having things get in the way so I thought I'd take the oppurtunity as it was thrust (or fell maybe) upon me.

I'm not doing too badly although I have just gotten of the hospital after a weeks stay due to a bad OCD attack.  I may not be totally sane now but I am good enough to be let loose out on the community in the care of my husband and two cats (who never believed that I was sane to begin with let alone now)

Anyway I am still into my anime and manga as always, check my Live journal everyday and even have had some successful time painting lately.  I need to get back to drawing, writing, my reading backlog and Little Big Planet.  Oh yeah and I think I have laundry to do.

anyway I will update more later.

see you guys.



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