Let's see where to begin.. things are REAL stressful round here right now.. we have no money.. no shower.. and I just spent $98 on a new inhaler so that hopefully i can breath.. we have a nice car just collecting snow cuz on top of everything else that's wrong with it it needs a new starter.. which of course doesn't help the situation.. we already had to put over $1000 into it so that we could get it on the road.. and now that means even more money.. I'm not bringin in much money now.. christmas is comin up and ya.. when it rains it pours i guess..
I just don't know.. it's been one of those days that you wish you didn't get outta bed.. i've been sick with what i'm told 'might be the flu' which of course.. what the hell does that tell me.. not a whole lot.. went to the doc yesterday cuz it was gettin harder and harder to breath and i had a fever.. so ya she gave me a prescription for a new inhaler.. she asked if i had drug coverage.. i said no.. so i figured she would take that into consideration when givin me the prescription.. but no.. almost 100 bucks later and we are broker than when we started.. I guess it's a good thing that money just magically always pops up when it's REALLY needed..