Nov 30, 2009 09:33
*batman tune*
Da da da da da da ~ update~ da da da da da da ~update~ ~update~ *high pitch voice* ~updattttteee~
I'm here...ha! I win.
Ben's grandma leaves in 2 days. I feel horrible knowing the true meaning behind the phrase "you may think there's no such thing as santa, but as for me & grandpa, we believe"...
No word on the one house they finally agreed on. Took them 3 damn weeks & I was the one who found it, so a small selfish part of me hopes they get it just so I can have bragging rights. Tell me you don't want my input, then I find the needle in the haystack.... meanies.
Should hear about the house today, one way or the other. We heard that 5 days ago, though, too....
Thanksgiving was the worst. Sucks to be told to abandon your family only to be denied admittance to the other...
I have a final exam for Management concepts tomorrow. Yay to no class exam week for the night class. Working on the 51 page review study today. -.- Plus working on marketing review, which is awesome that Stefanie split both with me. :D
Scott, scott, who are you? Leaving me anonymous comments & spiking my curiousity... I hate forgetting so easily. I wonder if it was my rocket lover....or the party kid...or who knows how many people I've known!!
I feel so lonely randomly. I hate not having my puppy inside to love me while I work. Dogs are more loyal then men anyway. :P
Ben and I survived! Oh yeah, rocking it. He admitted he can be happy & he doesn't wanna be unhappy like the rest of his family. I'm breaking him into happy world, slowly but surely! Rock it, yes?
I got bunches of movies for myself for xmas. Yay blitz shopping. Haven't done that in a while. Got a couple of new bikes too :D
That's about it. I realllllllly hope this house goes through. The mess & eating out b/c of the mess & the lack of solid internet & lack of cleanliness & lack of comfortability in knowing I'm home is driving me mad!!
I miss feeling like I'm home. :(