In less than 48 hours, we will be on the road for our very first Road Trip as a family. I am the only one still up - and it's only 8:50pm. Hubby is totally wiped after a weekend at the ball park. The boys got home eventually from the trailer, as my MIL's car wouldn't start. No fight getting them into bed. I'm not long for consciousness myself.
I remember the road trips I took when I was a kid. in 1977, we drove out to Alberta. I was 7. I remember most of the trip, surprisingly. We were in Portage-La-Prairie, Manitoba on August 16. No, my memory is not THAT good. That was the day that Elvis died. The waitress at the diner told us. My future sister-in-law (now ex-sister in law) was with us, as my brother was living in Alberta. She burst into tears.
Through the 80s, we went on a few trips down to the East Coast. Nova Scotia. Loved it there. There was the best chinese restaurant in Bedford - overlooked the Bedford Basin. The food was good, but the view was amazing - right on the water.
I still remember one summer - no idea when - when my Dad said "I feel like Chinese food." Three days later, we were in Halifax, at the China Town restaurant.
Then, in 1986, we drove down to Florida. I was 15. We took a girlfriend of mine with us. We were in Alabama, heading to Panama City Beach on January 26. The day the Challenger exploded. Twas a great trip overall, but discovered at an early age that CNN carried nothing but The Shuttle Explosion. They haven't changed much.
That wa the last great road trip I took with my parents. We did all drive out to Ottawa together in 1997, when my Gramma died, but I dont' count that one.
My first road trip with Steve was in 1989 or so. We drove down to Washington DC, then Norfolk Virginia. There was a large tunnel there...I don't like tunnels. We also saw the largest toad I've ever seen, right by the restaurant. I think it was Long John Silvers...the restaurant, not the toad.
Went here and there, but the next great road trip was our honeymoon. Got in the car and went down East again. Quebec City, Saint John, Halifax and Cape Breton Island. Found my journal from our honeymoon and reread it. Had such a blast!
Since then, our road trips have been rather downscaled. Sure, we've flown places, but there is something about the classic road trip. Putting the miles behind you. Discovering the new radio stations. (though not so much anymore). Finding new and interesting places.
Last time we really drove was to go to Montreal and Quebec City. Marillion Marbles tour. Quebec City is about 8-9 hours from home. Most of the drive is boring. Straight. Set the cruise control and go. Ontario is the worst. You just keep driving and driving and wonder if you will ever escape it! That was the trip we met
joeserge and his travel partner Susan. Kept running into each other as we went. There's a Wendy's just when you get back into Ontario - ate with them there I think. I know we saw them!
We've been to Montreal since - a road trip to be sure, but not a Great Road Trip. Days in the car. Long Distances. There's just something to be said for driving 18 hours and still being in the same country in which you started! Well, a wee side trip into the USA, but that's just to cut a bit of time off the trip.
the boys are all excited! We have never really taken them on a lot of trips. Mainly because it is so hard to justify the expense when they aren't really getting anything out of it. Sure, it's neat, but I think in the long term, they'll enjoy this more, as they are older. Senior is determined to try all the seafood he can. Junior says he will, but we'll see. They are both really fussy eaters. I'm looking forward to the beach and the ocean. I know it will be cold, but there is something to be said for dipping your toes in the Atlantic.
And so, on this holiday eve eve, I sit and think back about the magical times in the back of the car, hitting the road. I can only hope that, in 30 years, that the kids look back at this, and think the same...