Oct 13, 2004 11:25
That weekend took a whole week. Wow. I left Wednesday morning and flew to Boston (through Philly) without problems. I managed to pack for 5 days in just a carry-on (rock on). Wednesday night was Shmini Azteres, and we sang and danced a bunch (Chabad does hakafos (torah circuits) on shemini azteres), so that was fun. Thursday night, my brother was in charge of the tish (party with singing and drinking and divrei torahs, little speechy things, 'words of torah'), so that was fun, and contrary to popular belief, i didn't get drunk off a bunch of shots of vodka and a few pieces of vodka-soaked cake. (finally back into the goove, haha, j/k). yeah, and we danced all night long, eventually getting to bed around 1. friday was a really long service, with a lot of dancing, and a big lunch that didn't officially count as a meal (go figure), and a general celebration of the torahs. friday we finished reading the torah (took a year, like every other year, haha) and started from the beginning a bit. hm... firday night and saturday was a typical shabbos (chabad style though, so the service is a bit funky, and they like adding moshiach stuff). saturday night we (my brother, his fiancee, her brother, and I) went out for pizza, but Aaron (said brother) had just had meat, so he couldn't eat the pizza (milk and meat). eh. my brother and i watched office space (my first time seeing it, about a 10th for him), and then got to sleep around 2, hehe. sunday we were wiped. i went to the mikvah for the first time in my memory (eh, they like going every day apparently). we eventually got back and had breakfast around 11, after which i tried to read this horrible, horrible book The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf, but ended up falling asleep for an hour. after that, i tried again, and fell asleep for another hour. wow, yeah, i was tired. my brother got me lunch that his fiancee made (old but good tuna sandwich), and then went to work. meanwhile, i stayed in his room and read some and got online a bunch. it wasn't too productive, but eh. i went over to his fiancee's for dinner, and afterwards got locked out of everywhere, so i took a walk around bu, hehe. eh, whatever. then we had some issues with the security dude, and went to sleep exhausted. monday wasn't much. after davening i got breakfast and we went to the airport where i flew home (cornell) finally. hehe, i was definitely ready to come back. i brought austin's skis back (203cm, heck yeah) for me to use this winter, and went and found ti (of course, hehe). the dining halls were closed because of fall break, so i made instant soup and ti nuked a frozen dinner. eh. then we went to the grocery store (we are so good at putting off homework it's amazing...), and ti ended up getting 6 boxes of cereal. of course that's excusable, since she's eaten that much since the beginning of the school year. haha. i got pasta and tomatoes for tuesday. i ended up back at my room pretty darn late, but whatever, hehe.
ergo, i slept until 1:30 when ti called to tell me that she and maria were hungry for lunch, which i was going to make for them, raquel, and me. so i got ready, went over, and cooked up a storm. good stuff. it turned out alright, but they were hungry, so i slightly undercooked the pasta. eh. oh yeah, so pasta with olive oil and sauteed tomatoes and some cheese my grandmother sent me, garlic jack? something like that. it was kind of weird with the pasta, but it worked out. i ended up with a whole tomato left, and some pasta which we stuck in a plastic sealed box in the fridge. hm... tuesday was work day, but we didnt' get around to it until 4ish, at which point we got over to the library. at 7:30ish we went back for dinner with ryan (whom we found at the library), and after dinner went back to the library until 2:30 or so. oof. i got a lot done, and i think ti did too, so good stuff. on the walk back, the stars were amazingly clear, being about 35 or 40 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. we finally positively identified orion's belt (it was really obvious; a first since we've been here). i crashed once i got back to my room, but not before i put the skis up in a corner out of the way in preparation of kene's return, for he had come back from long island, but wasn't in the room. around 7:30 this morning i woke up to him at the computer, after which he went to sleep. i had to get up at 8 for my chem prelim though. he didn't budge a bit, although he normally flops around whenever i make the slightest noise, hehe. chem went really well. we'll see how that goes grade-wise. i have a chem e prelim tomorrow night, and a bunch of hw for tomorrow (english, math, chem lab calculations, some chem e hw that i still don't know what it is, and studying for the prelim). sounds good, neh? ;-)
special note: the fudge is packaged and just needs to be brought down to the community center thingy where the mail is, so i can stick them in some sort of envelopes with postage ;-) they'll need refrigerating when they get there btw.
EDIT: i have more pics up, but you can't check them quite yet. i'll get around to redoing the links one of these days.